Applause Cards – Complete listing

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From Dates: 1/1/2017 - 1/1/2018
Name Date SubBy Reason Behavior
Chad Jensen 01/10/2017 Mel Norgaard Chad's quick response to help with an IV in CT helped in expediting the scan on the outpatient, which freed up the scanner making it available for the trauma code coming in. I appreciate his help. Teamwork
Dani Younger and Hannah Stafne 12/27/2017 Going above and beyond during our Excellian meltdown. Good job girls! Teamwork
Gabe Peck 12/26/2017 Deb Hollman Thank you Gabe for helping me finish up my work when I fell Ill. You are a great team player with a great personality! I appreciated it. Thanks again. Teamwork
Bob Browne 12/26/2017 Deb Hollman Thank you Bob for all your help on Friday, the 22nd. You Rock! Great personality and great team work. Thanks again. I really appreciated the help.
Cindy Peterson 12/26/2017 Deb Hollman Thank you Cindy for all the time you filled in for me when I was out. You are a great team player. Thanks for helping out my partner on the weekend. You two are the greatest and I really appreciated it. Thanks again. Teamwork
Pam Ardner 12/20/2017 June J. The EMS department would like to thank Pam for being a liaison in getting back a FL hospital pump that was left at Abbott after a transfer. This was huge - THANK YOU!
Denise Olsen 12/20/2017 Lindsey Nowling Denise fixed my computer and I was able to get on and work! Engaged
Heather Sanftner 12/18/2017 Thank you so much for taking time out of your life to come in to help on the evening shift when we needed your help so badly. I appreciate your willingness to back us up. Your leadership is great and much appreciated. Teamwork
Evening staff, along with Charity Felde, Shanna Stucky, and Kristin Johnson 12/18/2017 Shawn Johnson Thank you so much for pulling together on a very hectic, chaotic shift. For those of you who either came in early or stayed late, a special thanks. We could not have done it without you helping out. Everybody did their part to keep the patients safe and care for them. Teamwork
FirstLight Health System 12/15/2017 Dannen Kroschel While working in the call center yesterday, a patient's wife told me how much she enjoys and appreciates FirstLight. Stating that "since it became FirstLight, the care we have received has been wonderful and all the employees are always so kind and willing to go the extra mile for their patients. It really is appreciated." Community Focused/Driven
Geri Vandriel, Amy MacLean, & Dennell Randall 12/13/2017 Pam Tanner I have to thank all 3 of you wonderful ladies for your support and help you have given me the last couple weeks. Together we were able to keep records flowing in the charts, and in the hands of the providers and nurses, in a fairly decent manner. I hate to think what it would have been like with you! You are all the best! Teamwork
Lisa Johnson 12/12/2017 Maria Lisa calmly explained to a patient the need for their eye exam in order for them to receive what they needed/wanted and eliminated any confusion the patient had. Professional
Ellen Ryan 12/12/2017 Thank you, thank you for all you do in prepping for Joint Commission! Professional
Pam, Cynthia, Geri, Pam and everyone else in Health Information 12/11/2017 Barb Fore We have the greatest health information staff. They are the kindest, sweetest, most helpful people I know. I just want them to know how much they are appreciated. They never get short with you and they work so hard to assist with what is needed. Teamwork
Cassie Gilpin 12/08/2017 Mellissa Milliman Cassie was working in the clinic and came over to Urgency Services to comfort a patient that was having a rough time. Cassie sat and talked with the patient until she was able to calm down and feel better. Cassie is always going the extra mile to ensure our patients get the best care possible. Engaged
Jamie High 12/07/2017 June Juday A patient was transported to Duluth and her walker was forgotten here at FirstLight. The walker was of great importance to her and vital that she have it in her possession. Jamie heard about the situation and offered to deliver the walker to her after his work hours.

After rounding with the patient via telephone, she stated she was very pleased and said: "he was so wonderful." Not only did he deliver, but he took the time to sit and visit with her for awhile before he returned.

Thank you Jamie for making a huge impact on this patient.
Community Focused/Driven
Al Smith 12/05/2017 Jackie Thank you so much for the awesome job on the window, you're the best! Professional
Kristal Zaudtke and Rita Olsen 12/05/2017 Jen Thank you both for helping a patient over your lunch break get her refills and her labs done. The patient was here for a different appointment and she really appreciated you guys doing that so she did not have to make another trip with the bad weather/roads. Teamwork
Laurie Kunst and Kim 12/05/2017 Thank you both for helping me with two discharged rooms in ER. I really appreciated your help. Great team work! Teamwork
Imaging Department 12/01/2017 Scott Cheney Working extra hours and covering a lot of open shifts in the month of November. Teamwork
Dana tenCate, Alicen Himmelspach, Jeanelle Shuster, Trista Stegeman and Linda Holznagel 12/01/2017 Mindy Blood Patient called to let us know that these five ladies have gone over and above her expectations to help fix a terrible situation with another facility. She states they are compassionate and kind. The patient states that they have been "unreal". It warms her heart to know that we have employees that care so much. Professional
The Amazing Scheduling Ladies 12/01/2017 Social Services/Care Team Thank you to the scheduling ladies for helping us work through our previous scheduling troubles! You ladies work wonders! Teamwork
Amy Huseby 11/29/2017 Julie O'Connor For going above and beyond for a difficult patient in severe pain in another department! Thanks so much for your willingness and helpfulness! Teamwork
Nikki Roberts 11/29/2017 Jen Lidke While in my office today I heard a patient stop Nikki in the hall to tell her how much she enjoys seeing Nikki in the clinic and that Nikki gives great care. The patient was very moved by the interactions she has had with Nikki. Great job Nikki!! Engaged
Danna Woods & Julie Miller 11/29/2017 Jen Hansen Thank you both for working together and getting a patient worked in sooner. Teamwork
Sheila Peterson 11/27/2017 Pamela Tanner Because of some unfortunate circumstances, Health Information has experienced days with only one staff member to hold down the fort. Our manager, Sheila Peterson, stepped in and became one of us helping to keep things going. I am so thankful to have a manager who is willing to put her busy schedule aside to help her staff keep the office going. She demonstrates an awesome side of leadership not everyone has the privilege of experiencing. Engaged
Kristal Zaudtke 11/27/2017 Jenny Lindahl There was a scheduling error and Kristal was able to help out the patient. This saved the patient from having to drive to Mora. Thanks Kristal! Teamwork
Dana Bentfield & Jason Callander 11/25/2017 Darla Anderson Thank you for going above and beyond to help a patient with special needs facilitate their transfer to ANW. Truly patient focused teamwork! Teamwork
Dr. Yeh 11/22/2017 Renae Podvin Dr. Yeh is very pleasant and courteous when calling Imaging and it is greatly appreciated. He is also very well liked by his patients, as well as staff. I have personally had quite a few patients tell me that they "love him" and that he has made a tough time in their life more tolerable because of his caring nature. Keep being you, Dr. Yeh! Professional
Nikki Roberts and Hinckley Staff 11/22/2017 Renae Olson Patient states that she was sad Nikki wasn't able to give her last injection here at FirstLight (for the record, she did say I also did a great job). States she had a bad injection elsewhere. She is moving and wanted me to pass on to Nikki that she's "a great shot giver." States she really likes the Hinckley staff, it feels like home!! She said everyone is so nice and she will miss you all. Professional
Pam Bekius 11/29/2017 A huge THANK YOU to Pam Bekius for making the adorable tags for our Season of Giving lines hanging in the clinics and dining room. Thank you for helping make the event extra special. Engaged
Mary Tramm 11/21/2017 Becky Nosbush Mary is always so helpful and pleasant when I have any billing questions.
Bob Woods 11/21/2017 My daughter had a back injection by Bob Woods and his crew. She was really impressed and stated "Bob did an excellent job!" She has had injections before and never was treated so well and painless. Engaged
Mark Vizenor 11/15/2017 Peggy Schaupp Peggy, the Auxiliary Volunteer, called Mark saying the water in the restroom in the OR Lobby wasn't working. She said he was very pleasant and someone was up here in 10 minutes to fix it. Peggy wanted to recognize him and say thank You. Teamwork
Dr. Lind 11/10/2017 Rachael Mattson A patient of Dr. Lind's called and stated that he was touched by the care Dr. Lind showed for his daughter and himself. Engaged
Stacey Josephson 11/09/2017 Nicole Clay Stacey jumped in to help Dr. Gaalswyk as well as flu shot patients even though she was really busy today! Thank you for being so helpful!! Teamwork
Dr. Lagaard & Barb Fore 11/09/2017 Brent Nihart Dr. Lagaard and Barb worked through their lunch to see a post-op patient who, due to a mix up, was over an hour late for her appointment. Thank you so much to both of you for your commitment to great patient care. Engaged
Dr. Schwinghamer 11/08/2017 Dr. Schwinghamer placed a patient on his full schedule without hesitation so that important medical information could be given to them. Thank you! Engaged
Joe Dvorak 11/08/2017 Jen Lidke Thanks Joe for going out of your way to help solve an outside pharmacy issue, your help is greatly appreciated! Teamwork
Marcie Berglund 11/02/2017 Jeanelle Shuster-Archambeau Marcie was super quick to help me get a CD of an emergent patient's imaging to bring to an appointment with a specialist today. Thank you so much Marcie! Teamwork
Renae Olson 11/01/2017 Carolyn Thank you so much for jumping in and helping me with a busy situation today. I could not have done it without your help. Teamwork
Dannen Kroschel 10/23/2017 Lindsey Nowling Dani cleaned up my coffee mess this morning! Thank you Dani!! Engaged
Scott Richmond 10/18/2017 Pine City Rehab Department Thank you so much Scott for taking time out of your lunch to squeeze in a gait training patient who needed to be fit for crutches! We appreciate you! Teamwork
Kris Radeke 10/17/2017 Pamela Tanner I really appreciate Kris in that she is always ready to help with any problem. Thanks Kris for everything...and for those secret hidden powers you have!! 🙂 Teamwork
Tracy Lucht 10/15/2017 Keri Lucking Tracy brought in treats on Sunday and went out of her way to call us in the pharmacy and ask if we wanted a coffee or anything while she was at McDonald's and she brought us each a hot chocolate! Thank you so much, it definitely helped warm us up! Engaged
Scott Cheney 10/14/2017 Melody Thanks Scott for coming in on your weekend off and covering the department while I was up in surgery. Professional
Kati Dvorak 10/04/2017 Barb Ennis Kati dropped everything to help a patient find alternatives for her asthma medication that would be less costly for her. Teamwork
Dr. Kaijage and staff, including Registration 10/04/2017 Betsy Vincent Patient stated he has never had so much kindness and concern for him at any facility prior, and wanted to be sure we knew how much he appreciates what the people of Mora have here waiting for them. Engaged
Becky Ponto, Jess Bottelson, Kim Bachman, Maria Pieper, Jaci Talberg, and Renee Melquist 09/21/2017 Tawney Breeden Thank you for all the awesome teamwork and effort you put into your job, for your flexibility, your willingness to help and teach, and most of all being fabulous people that I love to be around. Happy Surg Tech week!! Teamwork
Cassie Gilpin, Lacey Fischer, and Sandy Moore 09/19/2017 Renae Olson Patient states you all get a "gold star for being so helpful, nice and caring." He said he is so happy he decided to come to FirstLight for a second option. Engaged
AJ Skochenski, Cody Knox, Tracy Lucht, Hannah Theisen, Gabe Peck, Andrew Johnson, and Vicki Thayer 09/16/2017 Miranda Harris Great teamwork on 9/7/17 (technically 9/8/17) with a critical patient!! Vicki and Andrew kept the ER running enabling the rest of us to focus on the patient. The level of teamwork demonstrated was truly amazing! Thank you to each and every one of you! Teamwork
Leslie Karg 09/15/2017 Kristal and Dr. Dahlen Helping fit one of our patients in for a very important CT next week!!! We appreciate your willingness to help! Thank you! Teamwork
Environmental Services 09/15/2017 Darla Anderson Great and amazingly quick job of getting rooms cleaned and ready for turnaround on a busy day of admits and discharges! Thank you! Teamwork
Sara Helmbrecht 09/07/2017 Melody I know you were busy this morning, but thanks for taking the time to help our new student get her computer working so she could submit her schoolwork.
Julie Schumacher 09/05/2017 Thank you Julie for keeping me informed on a prior authorization I was waiting for from my insurance company. Even though the outcome wasn't what we had hoped for, I appreciated that you kept following up and kept me informed. Your time and effort was greatly appreciated. Engaged
Kim Carlson 09/04/2017 Nicole Westman Not only was Kim here on a holiday...She went above and beyond to make sure she was available if we needed her. she came down several times to make sure we were all doing ok with how busy the ER got. Even before she left for the day she stopped one last time just to make sure we were all good and to let us know she would be leaving.
Lisa Ouverson and Carol Robinson 09/01/2017 Kristie Bryant Thank you both so much for picking up shifts on the Friday before Labor Day! It was greatly appreciated by all of the clinic RNs : ) Teamwork
Judy Dawson and Deb Hollman 08/31/2017 Margie O. Thank you so much for taking care of extra tile duty you did for us on Sat 8/26. It looks so much better!! Teamwork
FirstLight Staff 08/31/2017 Carissa Jacobson I just got off the phone with a patient who was very pleased with how he has been treated here. The nurses, caregivers, providers, everyone was always knew what to do to make the patient feel comfortable and welcomed here. He wouldn't go anywhere else for his medical treatment. Great job everyone!! Teamwork
Jennifer Peterson 08/30/2017 Jennifer lead a discussion on 'Substance Abuse' for employees of the Grand Casino.
She of course had an excellent presentation.
She mentioned in her talk a term I was not familiar with; "Radical Acceptance."
Radical Acceptance is accepting everyone where they are in life without judgment.
Plato is credited with: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
Thank you Jen.
Community Focused/Driven
Curt Wojciechowski and Mandy Nelson 08/30/2017 Melody Norgaard Curt and Mandy stepped up and took my Sunday shift so I could help move Ben to college. This was the first time for Ben living away from home, I really appreciated this. Thanks! Teamwork
Charity Wittmer 08/23/2017 Jen Lidke Thank you Charity for the amazing skill level and professionalism you bring to our clinic. Your help during our visit from MDH is appreciated! Teamwork
Cindy Peterson 08/17/2017 Deb Hollman Thank you Cindy for helping me do a c-diff room in ER, I really appreciate your help. Thanks again! Teamwork
Maintenance and IT Team 08/16/2017 Carissa Jacobson Ever since we starting moving the departments for the construction project, I haven't seen any of you with a frown on your face or a negative attitude. You guys are always willing to help us out, whether it be trying to get our computers connected in their new area or putting cabinets up. You guys are doing an amazing job!! Keep up the good work! Teamwork
Hospital Registration Team 08/15/2017 Pam Tanner With changes usually not being all that easy, I have been witness to the great attitudes of the hospital registration team while they get used to their new area and roles. It is evident that they are facing some big challenges but each one has displayed an incredible positive attitude. From the morning staff to the evening gals (who registered me as a patient), I experienced the same positive attitudes. You are all awesome and you make the start of each patient's visit here a good one. Kudos to you all! Teamwork
Dr. Donner 08/11/2017 Lindsey Nowling and PC Staff Dr. Donner worked in two patients this morning and also did a walk-in laceration over his lunch break! Thank you, Dr. Donner! Teamwork
Debra and Laurie from Environmental Services 08/10/2017 Thank you so much for coming and helping us clean up in the CT room. Teamwork
Angel, Beth and Kate 08/10/2017 Barb Fore I have the most amazing teammates. I could not have survived the difficulties we experienced in clinic today without the help of these dear friends and co-workers. I know Dr. Lagaard would love to thank them right along with me. He also expressed gratitude for such teamwork. Thank you Angel, Beth and Kate for jumping right in to help. Teamwork
Linda and Tom 08/07/2017 Shawn Johnson Thank you so much for all your help in the ED on the night of July 31st. I could not have done it without your assistance. Your help was much appreciated. I think our facility is blessed to have such good teamwork here- everybody helps out. Teamwork
FirstLight Health System 08/07/2017 Betsy Vincent Patient called to state, "You just don't find any healthcare systems that offer a 10% discount when you pay in full like FirstLight Health System!" She sure does appreciate it and wanted me to pass the compliment on. Community Focused/Driven
Becky Nosbush 08/03/2017 Bonnie Dalbey Thank you for going the extra mile helping a patient from the exam room to the bus and the stops in between. Engaged
Terri Gerold 08/02/2017 Jolene Sievert Terri has been nothing but welcoming since I started. She introduced me to everyone and made me feel comfortable in my new role. She also has had a lot of patience in training me in on the deposit side, which is much appreciated! Teamwork
Sandy Moore, Amy McDaniel, Dr. Donner, Jeanelle Shuster and all the Pine City Nurse and Reception Staff 08/02/2017 Alex Mathison For working together as a team to take care of a walk-in emergent patient very efficiently! Teamwork
Amber Sawatzky 08/02/2017 Roxanne Ferngren I had a very busy call morning and Amber just jumped in and helped me every way she could so we did not hurt our patient care. Just an amazing team player! Thank you Amber!! Teamwork
Social Work/ED, ICU nurses, Charge Nurses, Ambulance, Physicians, ED support, Ward Secretaries, Charge Nurses,Nurses aids, lab and anyone else who I may have missed : 07/13/2017 Jen Peterson In the past two weeks we have seen an increase in psychiatric cases and have successfully cared for, transferred and resourced all of them. It takes an enormous amount of time and effort on the entire teams part to make this happen and I want to thank all of your for being patient and kind and taking the best care of our patients in these situations.

Please remember to take care of YOURSELVES- You are Amazing!!!
Cynthia Sher 07/13/2017 Becki Baumann Cynthia has such pleasant and professional telephone etiquette. She is always kind and you can hear her smile!! Professional
Sue Schiller 07/12/2017 Jen and Stacey Thank you Sue for taking time out of what you were doing to call on 2 patients insurances to verify how we could code today's visits. We really appreciated you doing that while the patients were still here so we were sure to get all the necessary things for the visit and to ensure proper coding was done! Engaged
Joe Dvorak 07/12/2017 Jenny Friday Joe went above and beyond to help a patient get a medication that they needed and could not afford. He even called the pharmacy closest to the patient to coordinate this offer so that they did not have to travel. I cannot say enough about Joe and his team!

Community Focused/Driven
Keri Lucking 07/12/2017 Cheri Southerland Thank you for offering to give me a ride home when my car broke down. I truly appreciated you going out of your way. 🙂 Engaged
Julie Schumacher 07/12/2017 Cheri Southerland While doing medication deliveries to patients, my car broke down and Julie came and picked me up and made sure that the remaining med deliveries got taken care of on time! Thanks a million.

Valarie Rehn 07/11/2017 Katie Koenings A patient came into the Mora clinic to individually thank Valarie for her triage services on 7/8/17. The patient was over an hour away from FLHS and experiencing chest pain and arm numbness while driving. Valarie helped the patient find the nearest hospital to be treated. The patient was very thankful to have the help she did to keep her calm and get help.

Alicen Himmelspach, Trista Stegeman, Dana tenCate, & Jeanelle Archambeau 06/08/2017 Pamela Tanner Thank you Alicen, Trista, Dana, and Jeanelle for your kindness and willingness to work with the HIM team to help improve the process of paperwork. You are all awesome! Teamwork
Cheri Southerland 06/08/2017 Julie While listening to a distraught customer regarding a loved one, she realized he didn't have enough money. Cheri paid the difference without hesitation. Engaged
Barb Fore 06/08/2017 Miranda Fox I asked Barb to help me remove a cast on a patient and she stopped what she was doing to help me. This helped get the patient out of the clinic in a timely manner. Thank you for always being so willing to help! Teamwork
Becky Nosbusch 06/08/2017 Bonnie A patient commented on how helpful and friendly Becky is. She helped this patient get in earlier for an appointment via the Wait List. Engaged
Brandi Usher 06/08/2017 I had a patient that was terrified of needles and needed a lab draw yesterday. When I called to give the patient the results today, he wanted the name of the lab tech and to let her know how happy he was that she made the lab draw such a good experience. Way to go Brandi! Professional
Alicen Himmelspach 06/07/2017 Trista Stegeman Always willing to help any of us when we have questions. Engaged
Kristin Petersen 06/07/2017 Trista Stegeman Coming to my rescue whenever you hear a call for triage that I get. You are awesome!! Engaged
All of My Dear Friends 06/06/2017 Alana Knox I am totally smiling because I feel so blessed to have spent the last two years getting to work with some of the most amazing people I know. Today is my last day and I am thankful for everyone that made me feel so special. My flowers are beautiful and I'm appreciative for the experiences and all of the lessons that were taught so often. I have loved working at FirstLight and I will always cherish my ER nights. Teamwork
Nicole Bistodeau 06/05/2017 Amanda Bolz Today in the gift shop Nicole paid for a patient's sandwich and pop when they didn't have any money to pay for it themselves! Way to go above the line to help someone out! Community Focused/Driven
Valarie Rehn 06/05/2017 Alicen Himmelspach Valarie is always willing to do whatever she can to help our patients at the drop of a hat. Today we had a patient in referrals that needed to go to the ED and Valarie jumped right up to help and brought the patient to the ED. Thanks for everything you do for our patients! Engaged
Dawn M Johnson 06/05/2017 Deborah Aronson Patient wanted to thank you. She believes speaking to you and recommendation to go to the emergency department saved her life. Professional
Sam Henderson 06/02/2017 Gabriel Peck Going above and beyond helping with an imaging patient while working together on the overnights. Thank you for all you do. Teamwork
Cynthia Sher 06/02/2017 Danielle Frisbie I want to send out a special thank you to Cynthia Sher. A patient was trying to get across the parking lot to the ED, even as their spouse came in for a wheel chair. They had parked in the parking lot so we did not see the situation at hand from the desk. She saw the patient and was trying to get to the patient from across the parking lot to help out. Thank you Cynthia! Engaged
Dennell Randall 06/02/2017 Danielle Frisbie I want to recognize my partner for the day, Dennell Randall, not only for always being a great co-worker, but for handling each and every situation with professionalism and ease today. I am especially thankful for her help in finding a patient who would not come up in the system no matter how I looked for them so that we could get the patient in as quickly as possible. Dennell always offers great teamwork and support in every way possible.

ED Staff 06/02/2017 Danielle Frisbie I want to recognize the ED staff for the amazing job they did all day today. They did a great job with patients, their loved ones, and the fact that the ED was full all day long. Triage time was so short it blew my mind for how busy we became! Their patience with every situation today was tremendous and I hope they know I appreciate all of the ED staff (and Ambulance staff) all the time.
Kate Olson 06/02/2017 Kris Radeke Kate is always willing to help wherever it's needed, no matter what the job may be. Yesterday, 6/1 I gave her three forms that I hadn't been able to get to for one of our specialists, and today ALL THREE WERE DONE!! And beautifully I might add!!
Thank you Kate for always being such a team player, even when the job isn't always "fun".
Sue Schiller 06/02/2017 Betsy Vincent Patient called back and wanted to say a "THANK YOU!" to staff whom she had just spoken to. She stated that the information given to her was very helpful and much appreciated. Engaged
Gabe Peck 06/02/2017 Gabe was willing to help out with moving some equipment up to the gym. I really appreciated the extra hand. Thanks buddy!! Teamwork
Brandy Sanborn 06/01/2017 Bethany Sjodin Brandy works so hard on the schedule with all of the constant changes and trying to get everyone their time off. I hope she knows how much she is really appreciated! Teamwork
Jackie Kornovich and Lynda Olson 05/30/2017 Jackie, thank you for doing two rooms for me this morning. I appreciate your help so much!

Lynda, thank you for helping Judy and I do two ER rooms on Monday.

Team Work!
Beth Pugh 05/28/2017 Sunday Staff Beth overheard a conversation about an elderly patient wanting a birthday card to surprise his wife when she came to visit. She arranged for a card plus a flower for this patient to give to his wife. She went way beyond her duties to bless this patient and his wife. Community Focused/Driven
Judy Dawson and Laurie Kunst 05/26/2017 Margie O. and Nursing Staff Staying late today to clean rooms due to the late discharges. We appreciate it so much! Teamwork
Joe Dvorak 05/26/2017 The FirstLight Community Pharmacy Joe went above and beyond for this appreciation day (even broke a sweat) to make each and everyone of us feel very appreciated. He does this everyday, but today he made sure to go the extra mile. Teamwork
Mary Newton 05/26/2017 Lynette Magnuson Thanks Mary for the awesome birthday cake you made for me and Karen! It was so amazingly delicious!! You really delivered on this one girl!!! We appreciate you!!! Teamwork
Managers and Supervisors 05/25/2017 Thanks to the servers who worked the potato bar line for lunch and dinner. It was very tasty 🙂

Thanks to dietary whose does this daily 🙂
Wanda Nelson 05/25/2017 Co-worker I don't work with Wanda Nelson daily but throughout the years I have seen how she interacts with patients. She's gentle, kind and always there to lend a helping hand. Teamwork
Dana tenCate 05/22/2017 Trista Stegeman You are rocking this new position! Great Job!!! Engaged
Breanna and Darla 05/22/2017 Wendy They did an amazing job on 5/20/17! Thank you both. Teamwork
Pamela Tanner 05/19/2017 Becky Pam is always so helpful anytime I call and need help. Thank you for being so pleasant every time. Teamwork
Carissa and Danielle 05/19/2017 D. Randall Helping out in a stressful situation. Being aware of what was going on around them and putting everything else aside to help with patient care. Thanks ladies! Teamwork
Deb, Linda, and Mindy 05/19/2017 D. Randall Jumping into action when a situation came up in the ED. Thank you for coming to the aid of a patient and your fellow co-workers. It is greatly appreciated. Teamwork
Denise Olsen and Sara Helmbrecht 05/18/2017 Rita Olsen Thanks to the IT department for making my barcodes so nice. I love them now. You guys are awesome. Thanks again. Teamwork
The Ladies in Referrals 05/18/2017 Renae P Prior authorization and Healthnet can be a beast, but I know when I call x6285 I will get the information I need to get patients scheduled and billed correctly. They are always willing to help. Thanks for all your help ladies! Teamwork
Joe Dvorak 05/17/2017 FirstLight Eye Clinic Joe went above and beyond to make sure one of our patients got their eye drops so they could have cataract surgery. Thank you! Teamwork
Jenny Friday 05/16/2017 Dana tenCate Jenny stepped in and helped me with a patient today that needed transportation. She was able to provide a number of options and even offered further information for my department. She is a great patient advocate! Engaged
Mary Newton 05/09/2017 Mary was awesome at helping me out with a request I had. She always seems to be happy and energetic and she is greatly appreciated. Thanks!! Engaged
Jamie Dickey 05/06/2017 Urgency Services became a very busy place. Jamie came in to help with patient cares, we really couldn't have done it without her!! We really appreciate Jamie's help!! Teamwork
Nursing Team 05/05/2017 HIM Gals Thank you everyone for the delicious lunch you treated us to today! Teamwork
Nurse Management and Staff 05/05/2017 Lynda and Joni We would like to give all the Nursing Staff a big kudos on the fabulous job serving Cinco de Mayo lunch and all the festive hard work!!! Thank you for all you do. Teamwork
Brett Anderson 05/05/2017 Pam Bekius and Lisa Raths You were seen from the Surgery Waiting Room assisting a patient in the parking lot. You brought a wheel chair out and assisted the gentleman into the building. Thanks for helping out in all departments! Engaged
Mel Norgaard 05/03/2017 Tracy Lucht Mel, I just want to say you are so awesome and we appreciate all your hard work, especially this last weekend. We had such a busy weekend and I just want to say thank you for being so positive and wonderful to work with through it all. You have an amazing bedside manner and I don't want that to go unnoticed. I have witnessed first hand your compassion for your patients putting their needs first and providing them with comfort. You are the best and we are so lucky to have you! We just love you!!! Teamwork
Chelsie Weimer 05/03/2017 Nicole Westman Went above and beyond for a patient that needed a very tough situation 🙂 Engaged
Chelsie Weimer 05/03/2017 Brett Anderson When faced with an odd situation this morning, Chelsie went more than above and beyond. Community Focused/Driven
Renae Podvin and Leslie Karg 05/03/2017 Robin Hanson They are friendly and professional with our patients as they are also answering phones and scheduling patients for several imaging modalities. I appreciate their willingness to ask us questions and keep our schedules running smoothly while accommodating the requests of patients and providers. Teamwork
Joan, Nikki, Kristal, Jen L, Jen H, Tricia, Angie, Beth, Rita, Dave and Kari 05/02/2017 Jenn M. Each of you make my days in Hinckley so much fun; thank you for being part of the reason I love working at FirstLight!!

You are ALL rock stars!! 🙂
Julie Schumacher 05/01/2017 Cindy Revier Julie brought in May Day Baskets filled with old fashioned candy for all Pharmacy employees today. What a great way to brighten up a rainy/snowy Monday! This is just one example of how thoughtful she is. Thanks for the thoughtful sweet treat Julie! Engaged
FirstLight Staff 05/01/2017 Jenny Friday I checked in with the family of a care team patient who had recently passed here at FLHS. They are doing well and at peace with the comfort provided during her end of life. She said "Please thank the staff for their efforts while caring for her, the whole family is so grateful she received the care that she did while at the Mora Clinic and hospital." Great teamwork in providing the best possible care throughout the end of life for this patient. Teamwork
Leah Olmscheid 05/01/2017 Brittany Rappl A family member of mine had an OB ultrasound and decided to have a whole group of us come see the baby on the screen. Leah did an amazing job explaining everything and was very professional. She smiled the whole time despite having a big audience. What a great member to have on the FirstLight team! Engaged
Surgery Department 04/28/2017 Grateful Patient "Thank you FirstLight Surgery Department for making my little man's surgery less stressful for him and pain free. He loved all of you. Thank you for giving him a warm welcome and providing excellent care in all stages of the day. Big thanks for Becky Ponto going above and beyond to provide comfort to my son when he got scared and nervous. Thank you Dawn, Ben, Matt H., Pam, Steph F., and EVERYONE in surgery for interacting with him so he felt comfortable. Great experience and excellent care!"
Pete Morgan 04/27/2017 Deb Hollman Thanks, Pete, for all you do. Taking out all that garbage, getting the linen bags and doing a lot of the vacuuming. I truly appreciate the help. Thanks again. Teamwork
FLHS Team 04/27/2017 A. Peterson A patient called and wanted to compliment our facility on the excellent service she and her husband have received over the years. She said she is going to write a letter to Administration letting them know they appreciate the great service they have always received here. They are moving and are afraid they will never find another facility that will offer them the same level of service that they received here. Professional
Brianna Boyer 04/26/2017 Brianna recognized that a patient needed to have help with her medical care and advocated for her to get that help. Brianna is always looking for opportunities to help our patients get the best care available to them. GREAT JOB! Engaged
Dr. Bergman 04/25/2017 Betsy Vincent Patient called today and wanted to be sure that Dr. Bergman knew how much better she is feeling and really appreciated the treatment of care given by Dr. Bergman. Engaged
Jerianne Hoyles 04/25/2017 Jenn M Jerianne showed no hesitation being pulled from her lunch today to help with an urgent triage call. She jumped right up and raced to the front to help, thank you for being such an amazing nurse! Teamwork
Ben Sickler 04/21/2017 Pam Bekius Thank you to Ben for attempting to facilitate transportation for a surgical patient. Also, for helping reschedule this patient and secure his transportation in advance. Community Focused/Driven
Ben Sickler 04/21/2017 Heather Murawski Thank you for buying the department blizzards to say farewell to Pam! We all appreciated it!
Kathy Allen 04/19/2017 Katie Koenings Kathy noticed a patient walking in the parking lot having a difficult time. She quickly grabbed a wheelchair and met the patient outside for a ride. Engaged
Jodi Hackler 04/19/2017 Amy Titchen Last week we had a patient come in who was deaf. I was amazed to find out that Jodi can sign. Jodi was able to jump right in and help me communicate with this patient. Needless to say I was blown away. I am so grateful to have Jodi on our team. She is truly a great asset to this team and always goes the extra mile for all patients and visitors. We are so lucky to have her! Community Focused/Driven
Pine City Staff - Registration, Lab, Pharmacy, Nursing, Amy McDaniel, and Dr. Donner 04/17/2017 Teamwork and commitment to great patient care. Everyone displayed great teamwork which resulted in a patient getting labs, EKG, and medications in a timely manner, with transfer straight to the cath lab to get the intervention he required. Great job everyone! Teamwork
Joni Renstrom 04/17/2017 Deb Hollman Thank you Joni for helping me with two c-diff rooms first thing Friday morning. I really appreciate the help and team work! Thanks again! Teamwork
Bethany Sjodin 04/13/2017 Beth is always very willing to jump in and help anytime she is needed! Thank you for being such a great team player!
Amy Huseby, PA-C 04/12/2017 Deborah Aronson Patient called to recognize Amy Huseby for excellent care in the Emergency Department. He was sorry to hear he could not designate her as his primary care provider. Professional
Dr. Donner 04/12/2017 Thank you for always being fun to work with and having a great sense of humor. You always make the work day enjoyable!! Engaged
Tawney Breeden, Maria Pieper, Jessica Bottelson, and Catherine Relitz 04/12/2017 Heather Murawski For all the help and hard work to make our morning go smoothly after being delayed by equipment. You guys rock! Teamwork
Lynette Magnuson 04/07/2017 Karen Katke Thanks for helping me out when the walk-in cooler was down. Teamwork
All staff who worked this last weekend on all shifts and those who came in extra to help including management: Heather, Jill, Justyna, Shanna, Nicki and Melissa B and anyone else I may have forgotten. 04/10/2017 Tracy Lucht Thank you all so much for helping out this weekend. It was such a busy weekend and heavy patient load and I just want you all to know how much I appreciate your help and all your hard work. There were a lot of patients and many of you had above and beyond the patient load. Thank you all so much! You are all awesome!!! Thank you Dick Westerman for helping us out as well in OB this weekend and Haley in social services for all your help!!! Thank you Pam for keeping things organized 🙂 and all your support! It was great team work! Teamwork
Becca Hill 04/07/2017 Karen Katke Thanks for helping me out on Friday! Teamwork
Social Services 04/07/2017 The Social Services Department showed amazing teamwork skills this week with several difficult patient situations. So very thankful for all of them!! Teamwork
Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Respiratory Therapy, EMS, Nursing, Nurses Aides, Pharmacy, Environmental Services, Dr. Lagaard, Dr. Niskanen & all other staff who cared for our patient. 04/07/2017 Social Services Thank you for going above and beyond by caring for and assisting with a complex discharge for our patient.
We appreciate all that you do. It shows in the relationships you build with our patients at FirstLight.
HIM Gals 04/06/2017 Cynthia Sher My elderly mom called me at work needing me to bring her in to urgent care for a medical condition. As I got ready to leave I realized my car was in the shop. My coworkers all readily offered the use of their vehicles. That's the kind of people I work with - The Best. Thank you. Engaged
Evening Environmental Services Crew 04/05/2017 Margie Odendahl Thank you for being so flexible to come down and clean all the rooms on med/surg this week. All of the nursing staff appreciate your help!
Brandy Sanborn 04/05/2017 Jackie Haglund Thanks for the great job of doing the LPN schedule, especially the short notice changes that occur day to day. Teamwork
Jocelyn Olson 04/05/2017 Jackie Haglund Jocelyn was willing to come in on her day off to assist in ENT Clinic in Pine City.
Thanks Jocelyn!!
Nickol Fenton & Hospital STaff 04/05/2017 Erika Hansen Nickol and the entire team in the ED, the floor and Outpatient Services were so helpful to me during my learning experience here at FirstLight. I greatly appreciate everyone who took time out of your busy schedules to show me so many new and great experiences! I will definitely be recommending FirstLight to Metropolitan State University for future nurses to be able to see how wonderful this team is and the great effect of their teaching!
Thank you all!
Clinic Staff 04/05/2017 Bethany Sjodin A patient called in and wanted to thank the Clinic Staff for helping her out with her prescription yesterday. She stated that staff was very professional and helpful to her and she really appreciated it. Professional
Nicole Westman 04/04/2017 Deb Wright Nicole heard that help was needed last Friday with packing up of food items from the food drive so she quickly volunteered to help. She even offered to deliver ALL of the items if needed! Thank you Nicole for always making room in your schedule to help other co-workers and your community. Teamwork
Karissa Hill 04/03/2017 Marcia Berry A big thank you to Karissa for coming in to assist our team on a busy Sunday in Urgency Services. Teamwork
Joe Dvorak, Kati Dvorak, Aimee Burk, Carol Robinson, & Aaron Korte 04/03/2017 Amanda Haas Thank you for getting me through my first ACLS certification!! Joe, for easing my mind; Kati and Aimee, for helping me with my arrhythmias; Carol and Aaron, for fostering a comfortable and effective learning environment! Extra thanks to Kati for lunch. I'm so grateful to be a part of this amazing FirstLight team. Teamwork
Cindy Revier 04/03/2017 Amanda Haas Cindy checked in on Saturday to make sure I knew the ins and outs of our new ordering system. She always is there to lend a helping hand, but to make herself available on her day off is above and beyond!! Thank you Cindy for being so awesome! Teamwork
Sandy Johnson 04/03/2017 Becky and Bonnie Thank you Sandy for helping out with adjustments and dispensing glasses. You really made the day go very smooth!! Teamwork
EMS Staff 03/31/2017 Sara Estenson We greatly appreciate your willingness and flexibility in coming upstairs to help ensure safety for the patient and our staff during each therapy session this week. You have gone above and beyond to create a patient first atmosphere. Thank you for your demonstration of teamwork! Teamwork
Rita Olsen 03/30/2017 Jen Lidke Rita goes above and beyond to help the Hinckley team, even cleaning rooms when we are busy! Thank you for all you do Rita! Teamwork
FirstLight Staff 03/23/2017 Deborah Aronson Patient called back after picking up some paperwork this morning. The patient wanted to say "thank you" and "you are appreciated" for recognizing her and that all the staff always takes very good care of her. Teamwork
Marcia Berry 03/22/2017 Pam Tanner, HIM Department Thank you Marcia for your care in making sure we had copies of important forms and explaining in a note where the originals were sent to. Those details help us greatly in making sure the charts are completed. Much appreciation! Teamwork
Justyna Obrzut, Rachel Dahlquist, Keri Groleau, Holly Malikowski, & Michele Naab 03/20/2017 Shawn Johnson Thanks for coming in early or staying late on this day. You demonstrate great teamwork and commitment to our patients. I appreciate you all greatly and enjoy working with you all. Teamwork
The Nutritional Services Team 03/19/2017 Lynette Magnuson Wow! What a team! Every one of you has been so welcoming to me as I integrate into the Nutritional Services world at FirstLight. I appreciate your help with training and your understanding with my many questions, even when the answers must seem so obvious to you. I look forward to working with you each and every day! Teamwork
Brittany Wendorf 03/19/2017 Lynette Magnuson Being a "newbie" and trying to "get connected" on all the different systems/applications, you have been exceptional! Your patience and willingness to assist me with technical issues has been greatly appreciated and I thank you and your team! Teamwork
Dr. Katie Kroschel & Dr. Niskanen 03/16/2017 Med/Surg Staff Thank you for coming in extra hours to help out and see patients. It was greatly appreciated by all the nursing staff! Teamwork
Tonya Kupfer 03/16/2017 Med/Surg Staff Tonya did an outstanding job tonight by cleaning all the discharged rooms. It was a huge help to all the nursing staff as there was many discharges after 3pm today. Teamwork
Mandy Odencrans & Jenn Goetsch 03/16/2017 Both Mandy and Jenn took the time to provide education to the nursing staff in Pine City. Thank you so much for your help ladies. Teamwork
Kim Tepley & Katie Koppy 03/16/2017 Amy Miller Thank you to Katie and Kim for all of their help with our meeting with Pine County Public Health and Human Services. We wouldn't have been able to do it without you two! Teamwork
Brett Anderson 03/15/2017 Pine City Staff Brett is always asking if there are things he can do and help us with. Thank you for dealing with our cold issue in Pine City and working to resolve this. And thank you for the nice beverages!! Engaged
Peggy Peterson 03/06/2017 Lynette Magnuson Thank you for all your patience with training me for the gift shop last week. I can tell how dedicated you are to accuracy, promptness, and success. I appreciate you! Teamwork
Jenny Lindahl 03/06/2017 Lindsey Nowling Jenny is so helpful to everyone!! She always goes above and beyond and helps everyone, from awesome patient care to teamwork within all of FirstLight. She is definitely a huge asset to FirstLight!! Thank you Jenny for always being so helpful and thoughtful!! Teamwork
Our Dearest Friends at FirstLight Health System 03/05/2017 My husband and I would like to thank the whole hospital and give our appreciation of outstanding service.

Dr. Johnson and trauma team staff, all nurses and departments. Thank you so much for the care and outstanding display of teamwork shown to our little boy. We were patients here in the ER this last Wednesday. It was very scary day for us and we are forever grateful to our dear hospital friends for coming together. When we arrived and I saw everyone was here, ready to help in anyway possible, I can tell you it was so incredibly comforting. I knew that he would be taken care of and was in the best hands. We are thankful for the patient care and amazing AIDET Aces, you all rock!! 🙂 You spoke kindly, compassionately and gave the highest service to our family. Our little boy aspires to help others now someday because of all of you. He has slept with his blanket from the Auxiliary and FLHS Teddy every night since. Thank you to those that made them and Breanna for being so thoughtful.

Forever and ever.. Thankful
Cody Knox 03/03/2017 Hannah Stafne Cody assisted me with a patient while the nurses were with other patients, and he did a tremendous job! Thank you so much! Teamwork
Mary Fennern 03/02/2017 Breanna Ruud Thank you so much for your dedication to FLHS; it is easily recognized! You go above and beyond to make sure departments are staffed and are always helpful. Thanks for picking up the extra ED hours tonight! You're a rock star!! Teamwork
Pete Morgan 03/02/2017 Thanks, Pete, for watching out for the ladies in the early morning. And a big thanks for doing all the vacuuming and taking out so much trash. You are very much appreciated! Teamwork
Cassandra Gilpin 03/01/2017 Gabriel Peck Cassie took the time during her lunch to start an IV for me. I appreciate all you have done for me. Thanks again. Teamwork
Lindsey Nowling, Teresa Aronson, & Brianna Boyer 02/28/2017 Jeanelle Archambeau These girls are all amazing and we have such a great team in Pine City because of it. The teamwork and the willingness to help each other out is like no other place I have ever worked. You guys are always jumping in whenever it is needed without having to be asked. The humor to lift us up and the encouragement to give the best patient experience we can. I look forward to coming to work everyday. Thanks ladies!! Teamwork
Mary Kenowski 02/28/2017 Jeanelle Archambeau When Mary works scheduling in Pine City she is always jumping in and helping with the closing duties without being asked. It is just amazing and helpful. Thank you Mary! Teamwork
Jenn Munkberg 02/28/2017 Jeanelle Archambeau Numerous times Jenn has switched her schedule with mine to make sure that I am able to go to appointments or get the time off I needed. Thank you so much Jenn!! Teamwork
Inpatient Hospital Staff 02/24/2017 Betsy Vincent Spouse said a heartfelt, "Thank you!" to the wonderful care her husband received here last month at FirstLight. Teamwork
Darla Anderson 02/25/2017 Jaime Pratt Darla is an amazing teacher and leader in the ED. She always remains calm under pressure and is eager to teach. Engaged
Gabriel Peck 02/25/2017 Joan Scharf On Saturday Gabe came over to Mora Clinic to let us know his pager number and that he was covering x-ray at the clinic today. This was so great and showed his willingness for teamwork and good care for our patients. Teamwork
June Juday 02/22/2017 On a recent emergency scene it was noted by another first responder that it is awesome to have June on scene due to her extensive knowledge and manner of handling the situation. She is truly a pleasure to work with under often difficult circumstances. Professional
Renae Olson 02/22/2017 Jackie Haglund Thanks so much for the extra help today in a very busy morning. Great teamwork!! ALL the staff in Pine City is awesome! Teamwork
Marcee Nilsen 02/22/2017 Jackie Haglund Thank you, Marcee, for helping out last night with a last minute (5:00PM) urgent rescheduling of a provider's schedule the following morning. You truly saved the day! Teamwork
Leslie Karg 02/21/2017 Joan Scharf Leslie is always so helpful and accommodating in scheduling x-rays for the patient to make it easier for them with their work/life schedules!! Engaged
Linda Peters & Alexis Besser 02/19/2017 Pete We were short staffed in the ED and Linda and Alexis both showed awesome teamwork by helping out on the phones and in patient rooms. It was a full house and you really helped manage the workload. Thanks, you guys are the best!! Teamwork
Nursing and Medical Staff 02/17/2017 Betsy Vincent We received a call in the business office this morning; family member wanted to let everyone know how much they LOVE the great care and kindness shown to their family and the patient last week here. The absolutely LOVE FirstLight! Teamwork
Renae Olson, Merri-Kate Silbernagel, and Janet Paulsen 02/16/2017 All three nurses pulled together to maintain their provider's schedule as well as a busy resource schedule. Great job! Teamwork
Julie Johnson and Lisa Ouverson 02/16/2017 Both Julie and Lisa stayed well beyond their scheduled shift to care for numerous patient calls. Thanks for being such great team members and getting back to our patients in a timely matter. Teamwork
Katie Steffen 02/15/2017 Katie worked 3 shifts with only a 7 1/2 hour break in between to help cover ill calls. She is appreciated so much. We would have really struggled without her willingness to help. Teamwork
Judy Dawson 02/15/2017 Bev Johnson Judy came in on her day off to help us with late discharges. She really helped our busy shift flow much better by having rooms ready. Teamwork
Judy Dawson 02/14/2017 Pete Judy helped cover some extra workload without hesitation. It was greatly appreciated!! Teamwork
Jeanelle Archambeau 02/13/2017 A patient praised Jeanelle on how helpful and knowledgeable she is. The patient is new to FirstLight and I think it is great how friendly and positive her encounter was right away to start her relationship with FirstLight. Professional
Joan Scharf 02/13/2017 Taylor Ruud and Rita Olsen For always going above and beyond. On Friday, we had two patients walk in 15 minutes before closing. Since it was the end of the day, she was the last LPN working and she took care of these patients in such a caring and positive way, even though she had to stay late on a Friday. No matter the circumstance, Joan always puts patients first and has outstanding patient care. Her hard work is much appreciated by everyone here in Hinckley. Teamwork
Staff to Recognize 02/12/2017 Alana Knox Jami G, Lenea, and Kim, ER Nurses - You girls take such good care of your patients. I really enjoy working with you.

Jake, Imaging - You are such a great help and always have a positive attitude!

Pete, Cody, Darrin, & Jim - You guys rock EMS!!

Matt, Security/Maintenance - Thanks for the laughs and help last night!

Deb, Environmental Services - You're such a hard worker and I look forward to your smile every morning.

Totally an amazing group of people to work with. Always kind, helpful and of course awesome at their professions. Thanks for the great night!
Shawn Johnson 02/10/2017 Tracy Lucht Thank you so much for coming in on your day off again to help us out with another ill call. Especially on your vacation week, you are awesome and we really appreciate you!! Teamwork
Sherri Borg 02/08/2017 Michele Rothbauer Thank you Sherri for being so thoughtful and letting the cardiac rehab staff get a glimpse at a level one yesterday. We greatly appreciate your willingness to educate other departments. Teamwork
Janet Wilkinson CNP, Kathy Westling , Dawn Johnson, and Amber Sawatzky 02/07/2017 Angela Patenaude A patient called in and stated that this group of people rock! They were able to take care of her in a 24 hour period. Patient stated that they are QUICK and WONDERFUL! The patient also stated about Janet "I just love her, I just love her, she is so wonderful." Thank you very, very much.

Matt Berry & Jack Gossen 02/06/2017 Tracy Lucht I just wanted to thank you for fixing the door knob on the report room door...You guys are awesome and I appreciate all your hard work! We have a great maintenance team here and I hope it does not go unnoticed! Thank you 🙂 Professional
Shawn Green, Vickie Thayer, Becca Strohkirch, Randy Nowling 02/06/2017 Tracy Lucht Thank you all so much for helping out this weekend by staying late or coming in early and helping out with all the ill calls! You are all amazing and we are lucky to have you 🙂 It was a great team this weekend!!! Teamwork
Shawn Johnson 02/05/2017 Tracy Lucht Thank you so much for coming in on your weekend off to help us out with all the ill calls. You are awesome! We appreciate you! Teamwork
Lindsey Klar 02/04/2017 Bev Johnson Thank you for positive attitude, energy and kindness throughout a very busy 12 hour shift. You helped on the floor as a float nurse, helped in every area, answered numerous phone calls and questions, and took a patient while being the Charge Nurse. You remained friendly, helpful, professional and positive the whole time. Community Focused/Driven
Jody Brown 02/03/2017 Brent Nihart Jody made time at the last minute to visit the Pine Tech campus to present required material to nursing students so they could begin clinicals here. On behalf of nursing and Pine Tech, thank you so much Jody. Community Focused/Driven
Dr. Mork & Marty Breuer 02/03/2017 "My son stopped and saw Marty after his glasses broke. Marty went out of his way to try to do a temporary fix since the warranty on the glasses was up. Dr. Mork happened to overhear me trying to get my son on the wait list for an eye appointment so we could order him new glasses and he told me to bring him in and he would fit him in. It was very nice of Dr. Mork and Marty to help us out." Community Focused/Driven
Mellissa Milliman 02/03/2017 Cassie Gilpin Mellissa came in early on her shift to help coordinate transfer for a patient. This was greatly appreciated! Teamwork
Becky Bryant 02/03/2017 A Grateful Co-worker Excellent patient care. Becky went above and beyond to help a patient and their spouse. Engaged
Patty Paul 02/02/2017 Betsy Vincent Patty helped me load my email into the scanner/printer, which has already made an impact on my tasks today. Much easier! Thank you, Patty! Teamwork
Angela Patenaude & Amber Sawatzky 02/02/2017 Deborah Aronson A patient stopped at the Referral Desk wanting to express "thanks to the LPN Call Center nurses" for their help with refills and messages to Dr. Niskanen. Engaged
Jenn Munkberg 02/01/2017 Jen Hansen Jenn went above and beyond helping a patient with a form for medical records. She helped the patient find the information he needed, called the facility, and had them fax the form and helped him fill it out the form correctly. The patient appreciated all the work she did to help him!
Dawn C., Pam B., Char M., and Tawney B. 01/26/2017 "I had a procedure done on Wednesday the 25th. You ladies were amazing! Thanks for all you do. And thanks for the laughs."
Jen H. 01/24/2017 Jenn Munkberg A patient came in and showed such appreciation for Jen going above and beyond in getting them signed up with the 340B program. The patient stated they weren't able to afford the basic needs because they were spending over $300 a month on insulin for his wife, and this made all the difference in being able to afford groceries, etc. The patient was very grateful for all Jen has done for them!
Mary Fennern 01/24/2017 Shawn Johnson Thanks for coming in at 1 am to help out our team on the night shift- your help was greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Erika Bankers, Rebecca Strohkirch, Kendra Motyl, & Tracy Lucht 01/24/2017 Shawn Johnson Thank you for coming in early or staying late for the night shift on 1/23. And thank you Tracy for making sure that we had enough help on nights with the larger patient load we had. All of your teamwork is appreciated more than you know.
Carol Robinson 01/24/2017 Tasha Swanson Carol is always helping us out no matter what it is. Thank you Carol we really appreciate you!!
Environmental Services on Med/Surg 01/23/2017 Hanna Chidester I want to thank everyone for going above and beyond in helping the nursing staff with patient cares. Your help and hard work is greatly appreciated and does not go unnoticed. Keep up the great work ladies! 🙂
StarLight Committee 01/23/2017 Aileen and Dave Roberts Thank you, StarLight Committee, for such a great evening at the FLHS party Saturday evening! The decorations were delightful and made it feel like Spring is just around the corner! The activities and prizes were so much fun and the magician was really entertaining!! A lot of hard work went into the evening and you all deserve a huge round of applause from all of us! We had a great time!
Joanie R. and Deb H. 01/20/2017 Breanna Ruud & Rachel Dahlquist Your hard work and dedication shines! Thank you for always being willing to lend a hand!! We are so appreciative of you!
Surgery Nurses 01/19/2017 Sandy Johnson I had a post-op patient this morning tell me how nice and caring everyone at the hospital was during her cataract surgery.
Nicole Westman 01/18/2017 "I had a family member go to the ED last night and Nicole was very pleasant and helpful while waiting! My family members mentioned to me this morning how caring she was to them. She made sure all other patients leaving were comfortable as well."
Pam Tanner 01/18/2017 Maria You are always so helpful and polite when I put in requests or have questions. It makes asking you for help SO much easier and even enjoyable.
Trisha Wentworth 01/17/2017 Melissa Merrick Trisha took time out of her day to help one of my patients download the Fitbit app on to his laptop. I could not have done it without her help. The patient was very appreciative of the time she spent to do this!
Thank you!
Deb Wright 01/16/2017 Debra delivered an excellent presentation to the community on finding better health through diet and activity. She very thoughtfully constructed a message that addressed developing a right mind-set for pursuing and accomplishing a healthier life. Bravo Debra!
Nicole Bistodeau 01/12/2017 Katie K. After Nicole assisted a patient in a wheelchair out to their vehicle, another patient was walking out of the clinic and was concerned with the ice and snow. Without question Nicole turned around and helped escort her out as well. Thanks Nicole!
Andrew Johnson 01/12/2017 Alexis B. and Linda P. Big thank you to Andrew for staying 5 hours after his shift to come with us on an emergent transfer for an extra set of hands. It was greatly appreciated!!
Amanda Haas 01/11/2017 Joe Dvorak Amanda noticed an extremely high copay on a new medication for a patient. She searched online and found a copay coupon for the patient and saved him over $1200 on a 3 month fill! All in all, she could save this patient nearly $5000 over the course of the year!
Trista Stegeman 01/11/2017 Julie Thank you for all your help going the extra mile with a medication PA.
Jeanelle Archambeau 01/10/2017 Tasha Swanson Jeanelle went out of her way to help our patient today when she went into the ditch. Thank you Jeanelle!!
Angie LeBlanc & Joan Scharf 01/10/2017 Lindsey and Jen Thanks for shoveling and salting the clinic entrances and keeping it safe for the employees and patients!
Mark Vizenor 01/10/2017 Jenny Lindahl As a patient was pulling in to the clinic parking lot she slid into the ditch. Mark helped the tow company get her car out of the ditch. He pulled the car up to the front door of the clinic and cleaned all the snow off of it for her.
Jeanelle Archambeau 01/10/2017 Jenny Lindahl As a patient was pulling in to the clinic parking lot she slid into the ditch. She came in pretty shaken up. Jeanelle calmed her down and called around for a tow truck.
Brett Anderson 01/09/2017 Jenny Lindahl I appreciate Brett following up on tickets I put in. Also when he comes to Pine City and I have any issues, he takes care of them with out putting a ticket in. I know I can count on him.
Claudia Cauley 01/06/2017 Becky Nosbush I had a patient tell me how nice and helpful you were when ordering and picking up her glasses. Thanks for taking such good care of our patients.
Trista Stegeman 01/04/2017 Katy Mattila No matter what you are in the middle of doing, you are always willing to stop to get our patients scheduled. Thank you for being so helpful and always having a positive attitude!
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