Fire Drill Critique or Fire Report Fire Drill Critique or Fire Report Date: Time: Shift Involved: Number Of Employees Present: Time Elapsed From Alarm to ALL Clear: What smoke compartments were involved on First Floor? What smoke compartments were involved on Second Floor? What type of alarm device was activated? Select DeviceSmoke DetectorFire PullHeat DetectorSprinkler FlowDuct Detector Were patients removed from halls to a safe compartment? YesNo Were all carts/misc. removed from halls? YesNo Was the overhead announcement clear? YesNo Did Fire doors close and latch? YesNo Were all chimes and strobes operating? YesNo Has staff previously attended sessions in fire drills, fire prevention and use of fire extinguishers? YesNo Did staff (at location of the drill) bring their fire extinguishers with them to the simulated fire? YesNo Please note: During a fire drill, the normal precautions such as shutting off the 02 and other gasses, disconnecting electrical equipment, moving most patients will be simulated only to minimize the disruption to hospital routines and/or alarming patients or visitors. Did the staff know the location of the 02 shut-offs and how and when to use these shut offs? YesNo Did the staff know the location of the nearest fire exit? YesNo Did each member of the staff know the proper procedure such as: A. Pulling a fire pull? YesNo B. Alerting switchboard immediately using 3555 giving all available information? YesNo C. Getting and using a fire extinguisher? YesNo D. Alerting other staff members and visitors? YesNo E. Taking note of patients under medication, sedation in traction, IV's, 02, etc. who may require special assistance in an emergency? YesNo F. Closing all doors and windows to contain fire and protect patients? YesNo G. Closing proper 02 valves (simulated) in affected areas? YesNo Critique: Recommendations: Observer's Location: Observer's Location: Dispatch Center #1 - 2nd Floor Nurses' Station Was coverage assigned for certain patient groups? YesNo Who was assigned to cover critically ill/apprehensive patients? Was fire located on 2nd floor? YesNo If yes, were two people sent with fire extinguisher to control the fire? YesNo Names of employees sent: Were visitors directed to stay with patients? YesNo Names of those designated to answer telephones: If evacuation was needed: 1. Were all patients in affected smoke compartments evacuated? YesNo Which patients? 2. Were kardexes removed if real life? YesNo Who? Dispatch Center #2 - ED Reception Desk Did you send 2 teams of 2 employees to make certain all people were safe on 1st floor? (Including meeting rooms, sleep rooms, and waiting rooms. YesNo Team 1: Names Team 2: Names If fire is on 1st floor, were two employees sent with fire extinguisher to contain the fire? YesNo Names of employees sent: Were visitors directed to stay at Dispatch Center? YesNo Were appropriate smoke compartments evacuated? YesNo Which ones?: