EMTALA Quiz EMTALA Quiz Your Name (required) 1. If your workplace falls under EMTALA rules, anyone who comes in and requests treatment must be medically screened. TrueFalse 2. If a women in labor shows up at a place in the hospital other than the emergency department, the EMTALA rule does not apply. TrueFalse 3. Registration personnel at a hospital emergency department are not allowed to ask patients for payment information at any time. TrueFalse 4. An emergency medical condition covers any person who’s experiencing a condition that would be a threat to life or limb or could threaten her health or the health of her un-born child. TrueFalse 5. EMTALA does not cover severe pain, or substance abuse issues. TrueFalse 6. Medical screening is a must because you can’t always tell by looking at the patient how severe the condition is. TrueFalse 7. Once a patient is stable enough to be transferred to another facility, or admitted to a different department, or sent home, you have satisfied EMTALA law. TrueFalse 8. EMTALA governs facilities that accept Medicare reimbursements. TrueFalse 9. Adult patients who seek treatment at children’s hospitals must be accepted and medically screened. TrueFalse 10. If the patient requests transfer from a facility against medical advice, you are required under EMTALA law to refuse transfer from your facility. TrueFalse