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Applause Cards

Congratulations to Dr. Niskanen!

Reason for Recognition? Dr. Niskanen is always thorough in charting clinic visits and phone messages. Dr. Niskanen anticipates questions/concerns, discusses them, and provides reassurance as well. It no doubt takes extra time and effort to chart this way, but the patients & nurses really appreciate it! Thank you Dr. Niskanen!

-- Lacey Fischer
  Dec 24th 2015

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Congratulations to Two Surgery Nurses!

Reason for Recognition? I would like to thank the two surgery nurses who came to the rescue yesterday December 22, 2015 in the parking lot just after 4 pm. Your help was much appreciated, and I am thankful that you stayed with the patient to comfort her and get her checked into the ER while I made an emergency phone call.

-- Rebecca Baumann
  Dec 23rd 2015

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Congratulations to Pharmacy Team!

Reason for Recognition? I would like to thank the entire pharmacy team for providing a great learning environment and helping me become more proficient in the profession. This health system exceeded my expectations and lived up to all of the positive reviews from previous interns.

-- Duane Koski
  Dec 17th 2015

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