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Applause Cards

Congratulations to Ryan Sjoberg!

Reason for Recognition? Thank you so much for all of the help you've given me this week and for your willingness to swap roles and make changes when I've needed you to. Your flexibility and dedication to always doing your very best is so very much appreciated!!!

Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork

-- Sara Duneman
  Mar 3rd 2022

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Congratulations to Sara Helmbrecht, IT!

Reason for Recognition? Sara responded very quickly to the clinic call center when our training headsets were not working properly. While she was there she also assessed the nurses training headsets and was able to get both sets working properly so we could train multiple new employees! She noticed that the instructions for the headsets were outdated and offered to create updated ones! She was able to create them and distribute them to our departments within 24 hours! We appreciate her promptness in giving our departments the tools we need to succeed!

Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork

-- Mindy B
  Mar 3rd 2022

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Congratulations to Lindsey Eklund !

Reason for Recognition? Lindsey has been doing an AMAZING JOB recruiting for the clinic. She emails Clinic Leaders with updates on candidates and is great at keeping us in the loop.

I am very thankful for her and all that she does!

Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Professional

-- Bethany Sjodin
  Feb 16th 2022

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