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Applause Cards

Congratulations to Organization wide!!

Reason for Recognition? I would like to thank EVERYONE that was involved Sunday with the Oxygen shortage. Many people came in on their days off to help out and everyone came together as one team and worked together to ensure our patients kept receiving the best care possible. This kind of teamwork is what makes me proud to work here.

Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork

-- George Anderson
  Nov 11th 2021

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Congratulations to Clinic Specialty Nurses on 11/5/2021!

Reason for Recognition? Clinic Specialty Nurses on Friday 11/5/2021. We really pulled together to fill in for all our missing staff, rarely in my experience does that type of staffing shortage work out that smoothly. It took all of us stepping up and helping each other and I was incredibly proud of our team! (Even the members who took our calls at home to answer our questions.)

Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork

  Nov 8th 2021

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