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Applause Cards

Applause Cards

Congratulations to Sarah Roppe, Callie Pribula, Patience Lind, Jamie Hoffman!

Reason for Recognition? The clinic nurses are always super helpful when I reach out to them. On Monday Sarah R helped get a patient an earlier appt with Renee Coleman, Callie helped me make a more convenient INR appt time to coincide with PCP appt (even though she was working in Hinckley, and I meant to call PC), and I reach out to Patience L and Jamie H all the time and they always respond quickly and get answers we are looking for.

Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork

-- Katie Linden
  Dec 7th 2023

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Congratulations to Bryanna Lindahl RN and Barbie Reinke CMA!

Reason for Recognition? Jody Schoenecker recognize Bryanna and Barbie for staying with a patient to help set up his medication. He was struggling with completing this task. They have it worked out with him to help him every two weeks when he comes in to ensure he has the appropriate medication set up in his pill box. Great work ladies!

Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork

-- Cindy Horton
  Dec 4th 2023

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Congratulations to Patience Lind!

Reason for Recognition? I witnessed something today that challenged me to be a better nurse. I watched a fellow nurse with a busy schedule take it upon herself to help a new pt to her provider, and Welia, get a establish care apt with primary care, get a signed release for records and fax it to the other medical center in order to have records available to Family practice for review at that appointment. All because she noticed he had unusual swelling in his lower extremities when she was helping to get his shoes off. Patience went above and beyond the “Normal” rooming not because her schedule was slow, but because she saw a need in her patient and wanted to help. She inspires me to do my best but also push that “best” to think of what else I could do. It would have been easy for her to simply tell the patient to stop at the front and make an appointment but she doesn’t believe in pushing work off on others when she is able to do it. I was just touched by how second nature it was for her to step in that way. Thought she needed a shout out.

Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Community Focused/Driven

-- Angela Gregerson
  Dec 4th 2023

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Congratulations to Dr. Valentine!

Reason for Recognition? A patient that saw Dr. Valentine stopped at the MORA front desk on her way out and told us, "Tell the boss that Dr. Valentine was excellent! He talked me thru the entire procedure and was awesome! He did a great job!"

Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Professional

-- MORA Front Desk
  Dec 4th 2023

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Congratulations to Alex Vara!

Reason for Recognition? Alex set me up for success working in the INR clinic on Friday November 24th. I had not worked the INR clinic since I received training in May/June 2023. During my shift before working the INR clinic, Alex sat with me and reviewed the schedule, walking me through it, and answering all my questions. When I came into work on Friday, Alex had created a flow chart and a sheet with tips/reminders. Thank you, Alex, for going out of your way to help me! It is greatly appreciated.

Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork

-- Sara Richart
  Nov 24th 2023

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Congratulations to Hospital Nursing and Clinic Staff!

Reason for Recognition? Prayers and thoughts of support DO work Miracles! Six short weeks ago we faced a life altering emergency. With your prayers, support, and wishes for healing it has been possible for Mike to be home and healing. Thank you doesn't express the immense gratitude we have for our "Welia Family". With this season of gratitude, we are eternally grateful for all of you!

Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork

-- Angela Gregerson and Mike Kallberg
  Nov 22nd 2023

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Congratulations to Elizabeth DeGracia!

Reason for Recognition? Elizabeth went out of her way to help me with a referral. I appreciate her teamwork to stay a little late to help Renee Coleman's patient connect with MNGI for a procedure. There was some confusion, and the patient was upset with needing a consult before being able to have the procedure her provider wants her to have. Elizabeth talked with the specialist, explained the patient's concerns and was able to resubmit the referral as a procedure. I really appreciate your help!!

Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork

-- Stacey Johnston
  Nov 20th 2023

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Congratulations to ED department, Imaging department, Lab department!

Reason for Recognition? My son James and I would like to thank all of you for the wonderful care he received when he presented to the ED with chest pain yesterday. He is currently at Abbott waiting to have an angiogram to check for blockage. He is in good spirits but has a headache from the nitro drip.
Having worked in the ED for many years myself I told him this was a normal side effect of the nitro.
James told me what his symptoms were, and they were certainly all textbook MI symptoms.
He said that the helicopter flight was fast, only took about 25 minutes and that everyone was so professional.
Thanks again for taking such good care of my boy!

Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork

-- Dawn Johnson
  Nov 20th 2023

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