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Applause Cards

Congratulations to Joan Scharf!

Reason for Recognition? For always going above and beyond. On Friday, we had two patients walk in 15 minutes before closing. Since it was the end of the day, she was the last LPN working and she took care of these patients in such a caring and positive way, even though she had to stay late on a Friday. No matter the circumstance, Joan always puts patients first and has outstanding patient care. Her hard work is much appreciated by everyone here in Hinckley.

Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork

-- Taylor Ruud and Rita Olsen
  Feb 13th 2017

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Congratulations to Staff to Recognize!

Reason for Recognition? Jami G, Lenea, and Kim, ER Nurses - You girls take such good care of your patients. I really enjoy working with you.

Jake, Imaging - You are such a great help and always have a positive attitude!

Pete, Cody, Darrin, & Jim - You guys rock EMS!!

Matt, Security/Maintenance - Thanks for the laughs and help last night!

Deb, Environmental Services - You're such a hard worker and I look forward to your smile every morning.

Totally an amazing group of people to work with. Always kind, helpful and of course awesome at their professions. Thanks for the great night!

Behavior Of Excellence demonstrated: Teamwork

-- Alana Knox
  Feb 12th 2017

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