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Author name: admin


Welcome Rob Almendinger!

Rob 001

Please take a moment to welcome Rob Almendinger, our interim EMS manager for the next three months as we search for a candidate to fill our open position.

Rob is currently the Outstate Manager for North Memorial in the Princeton region. Rob will be splitting his time between FirstLight and Princeton.

Rob comes to us with twenty-three years experience in EMS with the past thirteen in a management role.

Welcome Rob!



Employee Wellness, Volunteer

Kids Against Hunger food packing event-THANK YOU!

A huge THANK YOU to 8 FirstLight employees and families for helping at the Kids Against Hunger event on Sunday November 1st at Calvary Lutheran Church!  Check out all the boxes of food this crew packed!

Thank you to: Garrett Estenson and kids, Becky Gallik and son, Becki Baumann and kids, Kim Pierson and family, Jill Sawyer and granddaughter, Nicole Westman and family, Jenny Matykiewicz and daughter, and Barb Fore.  You guys are awesome!

Food will be delivered to our four local food pantries this week.

2015 group picCompleted bags 2015

Boxes 2015Packing line group 2015


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