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Author name: admin

Employee Wellness, Volunteer

Coin Drive update-only 12 days to go!

Coin drive pic of large container

Keep a Child Warm Coin Drive Update:

Here is what we have collected so far for our coin drive. A close guess is around $25.00.  We still have a long way to go to reach our $500 goal!   The blue cans will be out until the week of November 9th.  Locations of the cans:  rehab, business office, WellnessFirst office, lab, surgery, Mora clinic (Wendy’s desk), PC clinic, Hinckley clinic, IP floor by the water station.  Employees are welcome to drop their coins in any can at any time.  To put things into perspective, if each employee contributed just over $1.00, we would reach our goal!  THANK YOU to those that have contributed so far.

If your department or area would like a can, please let Deb Wright know!

Admin, Pharmacy

October is American Pharmacist Month!

October is American Pharmacist Month!

A huge shout out to our FirstLight pharmacists and pharmacy technicians who work together to provide you with excellent pharmaceutical care!

Thank you Joe, Brent, Jenny, Patty, Nick, Kati, Amanda, Kendall, Cheryl, Aimee, Caren, Keri, Callie, Cynthia, Julie, Amber, Anna, and John!

pharmacy 2015 group (2)


FLHS Referral Specialists

Can now be reached by dialing ONE extension: x6285

Patients can also reach our referral specialists by choosing option 3 when dialing in on any of our numbers:
Mora: 320-679-1313, Option#3
Pine City: 320-629-7505, Option#3
Hinckley: 320-384-6189, Option#3

Referral Specialists are available from 7:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.


National Healthcare Engineering Week!

National Healthcare Engineering Week 2015 graphic


Please be sure to recognize our Facility Operation Staff as we celebrate National Healthcare Engineering this week. They are important members of the health care team.


Because of all they do, there is power; running water; and a clean, comfortable, and safe healing environment for all who walk through the doors.

What you may think is ordinary is truly extraordinary, because without their efforts, the doors of our facilities would not be open.


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