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Author name: admin


Your Input Counts!

Don’t forget you can still put in your thoughts about the Mora expansion.  Use the Suggestion Box on the new Intranet!  The full size boards are located in the lunch rooms  Mora, Pine City and Hinckley.

Mora Expansion fl 2 Mora Expansion floor 1

Employee Wellness, Uncategorized

Health Milestones Employee Wellness Challenge-INFO

I have Know Your Numbers cards available for those that wish to have a place to write down their actual numbers or health info for the challenge since it is not required to enter this private info on the log sheet that you turn in.

I will have these available in the dining room, in the Wellness office at the end of the HR hallway, and the Mora clinic break room.  I will send some over to the satellite clinics as well.

Know your numbers picKnow your numbers pic-inside

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