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Employee Wellness

Keep A Child Warm Coin Drive-Community Service Event

The Community Service Committee is starting a new community service event called “Keep A Child Warm.”  This is a COIN DRIVE where we will be collecting coins to purchase cold weather items for kids in need in Pine and Kanabec Counties.  Large cans are now available to place in your area/department.  Friendly competition between departments is encouraged! Cans will be collected the week of November 9th by a member of the community service committee.  Our goal is to raise $500 to purchase enough items for both counties.

Empty out those pockets or purses and lighten your load knowing you will be providing cold weather items for kids. Your small change can make a BIG difference!  THANK YOU!

If your area or department would like a can, please contact Deb Wright at *3586 or at  I will send a can over to each satellite site as well!

Keep a child warm can close up



Privacy and Security Reminder!

privacy and security red panel
Speak up to protect patient privacy.

Each person in the workforce serves as the eyes and ears to protect privacy and security. If you see patient records exposed, notice password sharing, hear conversations that should be kept confidential, notice someone in a chart they shouldn’t be in, see someone in an area that looks suspicious, not wearing a FirstLight name badge or you simply have never seen before or observe other lapses in privacy and security protections, speak to the individual or someone in charge about the issue. After all, you’ll be protecting a patient’s privacy—and one day, it could be your own privacy at stake.


Celebrating PA Week, October 6-12th

October 6-12 marks national Physician Assistants Week.

During this year’s National PA Week, October 6-12, we recognize the important contributions physician assistants (PA) make as valued members of our patient care team.

FirstLight’s PA’s are:  Amy Huseby, Renee Coleman, Amy McDaniel, Breanna Cook and Beth Gilbertson, and they play a vital role in providing high-quality care at FirstLight Health System.

The PA profession has grown 36 percent between 2009 and 2014. FirstLight Health System is proud to recognize the PAs on our healthcare team and celebrate their contributions to this organization and the health of the patients they serve.

Did you know…
• There are more than 104,000 certified PAs today. PAs practice in every medical and surgical specialty from pediatric neurosurgery to oncology to primary care.

• PAs conduct physical exams, diagnose and treat illnesses, order and interpret tests, write prescriptions, perform medical procedures—like joint injections—first assist in surgery, counsel patients on preventive healthcare, coordinate patient care, make rounds in nursing homes and hospitals and conduct clinical research.

• PAs are educated through intense graduate-level programs that average 27 months and require the same prerequisite courses as medical schools. As part of their education, PAs complete at least 2,000 hours of clinical rotations in every major specialty, from family medicine to general surgery to emergency medicine.




Employee Wellness

Walk to School Day a Success!

Thank you to the following FirstLight employees who helped with the Walk to School event this morning:  Ellen Ryan, Amber Smith, Pam Novak, Cindy Teichroew, Korissa Matykiewicz, Amanda Strom, Merri Silbernagel, Ronda Jannett and auxiliary members Marlys Renstrom, Janet Johnson, Bobbie Besser, Lois Mathison and Peg Schaupp.

It was a crisp morning but we had a great group of kids walking to Trailview and Fairview schools from the Library Park.

Walk to school volunteers 2015 WTS crossing at trailview WTS kids in park Cindy, Korissa, Amanda WTS food table, auxiliary WTS at the end of Wood st.

WTS Brian Smith and Gene WTS at trailview


Help Celebrate National Healthcare Food Service Workers Week

healthcare food service workers week

In October 1989, President George Bush announced the first annual “National Health Care Food Service Week,” to observe the contributions of professionals in the health care food service industry. The week of observation reaches out to professionals such as cooks, chefs, bakers, dietary aides, dietitians, and food service volunteers who not only keep waistlines in check, but who provide delicious and health conscious meals for health care facility patients, guests and staff.
From the preparation to the delivery of foods in hospitals and other healthcare facilities, these professionals often work behind the scenes, but play an integral role in the nourishment of staff and patients. For those that go above and beyond to make sure that everyone’s dietary needs are met, “National Health Care Food Service Week” recognizes the extent of their culinary contributions to patient care at FirstLight Health System.

Please take a moment to thank our talented Dietary Staff at FirstLight for their dedication and commitment to quality care!

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