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Employee Wellness

Walk to School!

walk to school graphicWalk to school day is Wednesday October 7th, 2015!

Trailview and Fairview students will walk to school from the Library Park starting at 7:30am.

Parents and community members are encouraged to take part in this fun event.

See you then!


Got Drugs?

Turn in your unused or expired medication for SAFE disposal! 

It’s NOT OK to put it down the drain!

Saturday, 9/26 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at Corborns in Mora


Social Services

Jen Peterson Speaks at National Rural Health Association’s Quality and Leadership Conference

Jen Peterson MRHA 2015_2jen peterson MRHA 2015Jen Peterson 2015 NRHA Rural Quality and Clinical ConferenceJen Peterson spoke at the National Rural Health Association’s Quality and Leadership Conference in Minneapolis on July 15th.

She presented with Janelle Scherer, Program Manager of Stratis Health on the development of First Lights Palliative Care and Care Team Program development and future growth. The also presented how the Community Capacity Model implemented by Stratis Health supported has this effort.


About NRHA

  • The National Rural Health Association (NRHA) is a national nonprofit membership organization with more than 20,000 members. The association’s mission is to provide leadership on rural health issues.  NRHA membership consists of a diverse collection of individuals and organizations, all of whom share the common bond of an interest in rural health.



Privacy and Security Reminder from Sue

privacy and security red panelNo tailgating!   FirstLight Health System has locked doors that require you to use either a key, badge, or to enter a code.  Don’t undermine security by letting someone else tailgate in behind you through the door. And don’t put your coworker in an awkward position by trying to tailgate or piggyback through on his or her entry. It may feel uncomfortable to force people you know to use their own access credentials, but that’s the rule. You’re protecting the physical security of the building or secure area, as well as protecting the computer systems and information inside.

Since this has gone out, I’ve had a few questions regarding allowing someone who walks in with you enter the building with your access code.  Yes, many of us are coming through especially on shift changes the very same time.  If you know the person, it is fine to open the door or even hold it to allow the next one in.  If there is ever a question on who the person is, don’t hesitate to ask.  Always be observant in all locations and especially sensitive areas.


Social Services

Living Well w/ Chronic Conditions Workshop

living a healthy life bookDuring the six weekly sessions you will learn:

  • Techniques to deal with problems such as frustration, fatigue, pain and isolation
  • Appropriate exercise to maintain and improve your strength, flexibility and endurance
  • Appropriate use of medications
  • Communicating effectively with family, friends, and health professionals
  • Nutrition
  • Decision making
  • How to Evaluate New Treatments

Register now for the Living Well with Chronic Conditions

  • This is a 6-week workshop
  • Located at First Light Health System 301 Hwy 65 South, Mora MN
  • Registration is required
  • Cost: $30 (waived if unable to pay, no one will be turned away)
  • Mondays starting October 26 – Ending December 7 from 9:00 am – 11:30 am

For more information or to register please call:

  • Jenny Friday at 320-225-3305 or
  • Lise Arseneau Lee at 320-225-9277

In Focus – September 24th: Thursday evening 5:30-6:30

The next In Focus will be held on Thursday evening, the 24th, where Jen Peterson will be discussing Health Care directives:  what they are and why we need them.

Please pass the word to your family and friends!  This will be published online as well as through social media.

In Focus Facebook graphic

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