Author name: WH Marketing

Employee Wellness

Parks & Rec Month

Don’t forget it’s Parks & Rec Month! Submit a selfie to at a city, state, or national park for a chance to win a prize basket!

Every photo you submit at a different park = one entry!
(For example, Michelle gets two entries for her submissions below)

Employee Wellness

Employee Wellness Survey

The Employee Wellness Committee is asking you to fill out a quick survey to provide us with some feedback and help guide us as we continue to offer support, challenges, and resources to staff! The survey should take you five minutes or less – click the link below to complete by Thursday, June 30th:

*If you’re connected to VPN, the site will be blocked. Please disconnect from VPN to take the survey or complete it in-house.

Employee Wellness

Mental Health Awareness Month – Nutrition

Food is fuel and used in the right way, it can “boost energy, counteract the impacts of stress and affect mood-related body chemicals” (

For the final full week of Mental Health Awareness Month, try some small changes:

  • Cut out dessert a couple days this week
  • Add an extra serving of fruit or veggies
  • Start your day with a healthy breakfast
  • Swap your snack for something healthy
  • Try a new food!

On the other hand, try not to add too much stress to your week (and beyond) about eating healthy. Moderation is key!

Write down two specific activities you complete each week related to the theme and get a prize! Turn your completed tracking sheet (below) to Wellness no later than Friday, June 3rd.

Employee Wellness

Mental Health Awareness Month – Environment

Bringing nature into your daily life can benefit your wellbeing, mentally and physically ( Taking your activities outdoors can:

Find some sunshine and fresh air this week to give yourself a little boost! Write down two specific activities you complete each week related to the theme and get a prize! Turn your completed tracking sheet (below) to Wellness no later than Friday, June 3rd.

Employee Wellness

Employee Gym Update

Facility Operations is working to repair the AC unit that cools the employee gym. They are waiting on a part to arrive early next week. So while the employee gym will still be available, it will be toasty over the weekend!

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