Facility Wide Directory, June 2024
The Facility Wide Directory has been refreshed! Kindly utilize the updated version for the latest contact details.
This can always be found in Depts_Shared>Public>Forms>Facility-Wide
You can also navigate to the directory on the intranet here: Employee Central > Scroll to Departments at Welia Health > Click on Facility Wide Directory > Download
Introducing the Pine City Clinic Expansion!

Projected Main Entrance Mock-Up
We are thrilled to announce details of our Pine City Expansion project, a significant milestone in our commitment to enhancing healthcare services for our community. As Randy highlighted in the recent Employee Forum, we are embarking on an exciting journey that promises to elevate our facilities and services to new heights.
Here are some key details to keep you in the loop:
- Site construction – Spring 2024
- Building construction – Spring 2025
- Project completion – Spring 2026
- All services will remain operational during construction
Highlights of new construction:
- Single point of entry to access all services including Urgent care & Clinical care
- Expanded Rehabilitation services including outdoor space for rehab patients
- New Pharmacy
- Expanded Lab
- Renovations to Imaging
- Expanded clinical services including a Family Exam Room, 10 additional exam rooms and one additional Procedure Room
- Outdoor space for staff
- Expanded parking
- EV Charging stations (*Staff feature)
We couldn’t be more excited about the opportunities this expansion brings for our team and the community we serve. Together, we’re shaping the future of healthcare, one innovative project at a time.
Stay tuned for more updates as we progress on this exciting journey!