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EMS, Marketing

Happy EMS Week!

Celebrating National EMS Week with image of Welia Health Ambulance below, Welia Health EMS logo to upper right and Medical Star and Serpent to left. Blue and Green Gradient background

This EMS Week, we honor our staff and their role in protecting the safety and health of our community.

Our EMS professionals serve in a broad range of roles, from providing highly skilled care in an ambulance, to serving as educators, to practicing community paramedicine.

Welia Health is lucky to have some of the best on our team. Happy EMS Week, and thank you for all that you do!

EMS, Marketing

Daryl Doering Retires

Daryl Doering

After an extensive and rewarding career in emergency services, Daryl Doering has announced his retirement. His last day of call is June 10.

Not only was Daryl a highly skilled a paramedic, he also served on the Dayton Fire Department for the past 20 years. In addition to being a paramedic and firefighter, Daryl was an instructor at Inver Grove Community College and participated in many different natural disasters within the United States, most notably Hurricane Katrina/Rita and the Juno winter storm in Albany, New York. Over the past ten years he had been assigned to work the Republican National Convention and reported to the CDC and Minneapolis / St. Paul Airport for the Avian flu training.

Working with Daryl over the past five years, I know him best for his empathy and compassion shown to the countless number of patients he cared for and transported. He always finds a unique connection with his patients to continue the continuity of care patients feel at Welia Health. Daryl has also always taken the time finding opportunities to teach, to learn and cultivate best practices while keeping the patients’ best interests close.

Daryl, you will be sorely missed and we wish you nothing but the best during your retirement years!

Congrats Daryl – God Speed!

June Juday, EMS Manager, Welia Health

National EMS Week, 5/15-5/21

Thank You to our 26 Emergency Medical Services (EMS) folks for their dedication, knowledge, and compassion that you show to our patients everyday.

Rob, Dana, Alexis, Jeremy, Logan, Jason, Dawn, Daryl, Tom, Pete, Tim, Tom, Jamie, Jacquie, Jeff, Chad, Andrew, Deb, Jared, June, Cody, Linda, Melissa, Jason, Darrin and Ted

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