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Congrats to Anita G., winner of the Artistic Excellence Award

Our own, Anita Gislason (from EVS), won the Artistic Excellence Award (1st place) and the People’s choice Awards at the ECRAC (East Central Regional Arts Council) Image Art Show in November 2015.

Her piece is called “Garden Gifts.”Anita_Artwork_2016

Full story by Brielle Bredsten from the Mille Lacs Messenger

With a little encouragement from a friend, local artist Anita Danger Gislason of Ogilvie decided to enter a unique piece of artwork in this year’s IMAGE Art Show. The 29th annual East Central Regional Arts Council (ECRAC) event was open to any artist residing in the Mille Lacs, Chisago, Kanabec, Isanti and Pine counties to display their work from Oct. 24 to Nov. 6.

The show honored some of the finest art in the area, including Gislason’s piece “Garden Gifts,” which took home the People’s Choice Award and won first place with the Artistic Excellence Award. The judges for the show were Mary Bruno and Lyz Wendlund. They both have a wide range of artistic skills and art show judging experience.

“I am so honored by this award,” Gislason said. “I am very thankful. It was a great experience and I enjoyed the show. The talent in this area is overwhelming, there are so many very talented people and this is a wonderful way for an artist to share with others.” …


Test Post In New EVS Category

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