Open Enrollment For Your 2024 Benefits: November 14 – November 28, 2023.

It’s time for you to review your employee benefit plan choices and make annual benefit enrollment decisions for 2024.  Please review the 2024 benefits guide and 2024 Welia Health OE changes in the links below as there are some changes to the plan designs for 2024.  Open enrollment begins Tuesday, November 14, 2023, and stays open through Tuesday, November 28, 2023 (midnight). 

2024- Welia Health OE Changes

To enroll online, please refer to the Employee Enrollment Experience and Ease User Guide below or click: To reset your password, click the Forgot? and the system will walk you through the process.  HR can reset your passwords and get you your login information too, please email and we will send you this information.  Once you get started, you may, at any time during the process log out and log back in at a later time to complete your enrollment, your elections will auto save.  Please be sure to click all the way through to signing the documents, clicking finish, and submit.  Please see the employee enrollment experience link below for best practices for utilizing Ease.  

To enroll with an HR Team member:  Appointments will be necessary this year to walk you through the enrollment process. Please email to set up an appointment with Teams conference call or in person options. 

Employee Enrollment Experience

Welia Health Ease User Guide

Additional information can be found in the Human Resources tab for further assistance on enrollment.

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