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2017 Domain / Network Migration_ IT Facility Wide Project

What’s happening?   Domain Network Migration/Microsoft Office 365 Upgrade
When? Friday, March 10th 2017 starting at 5:00PM – Monday, March 13th
Details Currently we are part of a common shared SISU network, starting March 10th we will be migrating to our own domain/network. Additionally Microsoft Office 2010 will be upgraded.

***Excellian with the exception of a printing downtime for approximately 2 hours WILL NOT be impacted in this project.

Timeline / Downtimes Friday, March 10th @ 4:00PM

All Microsoft Office tools (Email, Word, Excel, PowerPoint) will be unavailable, this will last through the full weekend.

@ 6:00PM

Print Server Down – Printing will be down for approximately 2 hours. Downtime Computers and Printers will still have function to print.


Individual PC Domain switch – each Computer will manually be switched to the new domain starting with ED, Urgency Services and Med/Surg


·         The J: and H: Drives will be down all weekend. Print documents ahead of time you will need for this weekend.

·         Email will be down all weekend. This includes email on smartphones or access through the intranet.

Post Migration Changes NEW NETWORK USER ID (replacing ABCM00)

·         Staff will now login with your FirstLight email address before the @ symbol.

o    ie. = DOlsen

·         If you have a number in your email address, include the number.

o    ie. = MPeterson1

Network Password

Network passwords will remain the same.

·         If you do not know your password call the Help Desk to reset your password.

The first time you log onto a computer with your new network login, it will take slightly longer than usual while the computer rebuilds your new profile.

Finger Print Sign On (Hospital function)

All finger print scanners will need to be reset. Users will have to log onto the computer with network password, then will be prompted to set up the finger print scanner (imprivata).

  Upgrade to Office 365 (Email, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher)

·         See Attached Communication for setting up email the first time you log into Office 365

·         Slight upgrade look (See attachment for specific upgrade features)

·         More email Storage,  100GB 

  Email Personal Folders

Email personal folders will be unavailable through the week of March 13th, possibly into the week of March 20th. All personal folders will be manually moved to the new domain and can take up to 2 weeks. If you have documents in these folders you need to function on a daily basis, please move them to your email Inbox, H:drive, or OneNote.

IT support ON March 13th FirstLight IT will be dispersed at all sites and have an identifier on to identify support staff. On Monday, March 13th, IT incidents can be called into the FirstLight IT Command Center (Board Room) at ext. 7474. Hours: 6:30A – 5:00P
IT Support AFTER March 13th Call the IT Help Desk at ext. 9191, option 3
Additional tip sheets View the intranet need a little help section for additional tip sheets including how to set up your email and 0365 training.


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