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StarLIght Committee

StarLIght Committee

School Supply Drive

Let's help our kids get back to school with school supply donations

In the spirit of supporting our schools and communities, let’s all help prepare our kids to go back to school – drop off donated school supplies to:

Mora Campus
Mora Clinic break room
Materials management

Pine City and Hinckley
Pine City and Hinckley – clinic break rooms

All donated items will be picked up on Friday, August 25th and be distributed to Mora, Ogilvie, Pine City, and Hinckley/Finlayson schools.

Need an idea about what is needed, see below –

Large erasers
Boxes of tissues
NO. 2 sharpened pencils (2-Ticonderoga)
Glue sticks
Liquid glue
Pocket folders, both with metal fasteners and without
Disinfecting wipes
Hand sanitizer
Index cards (pack)
Washable markers
Colored pencils
Basic calculators
Dry erase markers, 6 pack
Fiskars scissors (safety)
Wide ruled notebooks
Assignment notebook or planner
Blue or black pens
Composition notebooks
Supply (Pencil) box
Box(es) of crayons

School supply lists are also listed on the school websites.

StarLIght Committee

PD’s Embroidery

The StarLight Committee will be taking orders for PD’s Embroidery starting November 1st thru November 30th.

Below are the links to PD’s catalogs – Just a “Click” away!

Apparel, Bags and Caps 2022 (

S&S What’s New 2022 (

Complete the P-D Order Form and Welia Health Payroll Deduction Authorization Form. Email them directly to or send them in an inter-office envelope to Patty Paul in Rehabilitation Services. Any questions about apparel or your order should go directly to Jody at PD’s at 320-679-3700.

StarLIght Committee

Join us on Wednesday!

Hosted by the StarLight Committee

Menu – Sloppy Joes on Bun, potato salad, assorted chips, pickles, brownie and assorted 8 oz Shasta Pop

Overnight staff – Food will be available in the Resiliency Room on the Med/Surg floor. Nutrition Services will deliver all the food to the resiliency room before the kitchen closes at 7:30PM. The sloppy joe meat in a “soupery” to keep it hot and be labeled for OVERNIGHT STAFF ONLY.

Evening shifts should (try to) plan on eating between 4-6:30PM.

Employee Event, StarLIght Committee

School supply drive

In the spirit of supporting our schools and communities, let’s all help prepare our kids to go back to school – drop off donated school supplies to

Mora Campus
Mora Clinic break room
Materials management

Pine City and Hinckley
Pine City and Hinckley – clinic break rooms

All donated items will be picked up on Tuesday August 23 and be distributed to Mora, Ogilvie, Pine City, and Hinckley/Finlayson schools.

Need an idea about what is needed, see below –

Large erasers
Boxes of tissues
NO. 2 sharpened pencils (2-Ticonderoga)
Glue sticks
Liquid glue
Pocket folders, both with metal fasteners and without
Disinfecting wipes
Hand sanitizer
Index cards (pack)
Washable markers
Colored pencils
Basic calculators
Dry erase markers, 6 pack
Fiskars scissors (safety)
Wide ruled notebooks
Assignment notebook or planner
Blue or black pens
Composition notebooks
Supply (Pencil) box
Box(es) of crayons

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