

Community Service Event-The Giving Tree…and more

Giving tree pic

The annual Giving Tree service event is ready to go!  The Giving Trees will be at the following locations this year:  Mora dining room, Mora Clinic break room, Hinckley break room and Pine City break room.  The tree in the dining room is up and ready!  Look for other trees to be up soon!

Take a ticket off the tree and purchase the item for families in need this Christmas.  Have the item back to Materials by December 14th.

Thank you!


Coin Drive Total!

Our official total for the Winter Gear Coin Drive is….$524.04!!

Wow!  The Community Service Committee will be working with our area schools and their social service staff to provide winter gear to kids who need it most.

Thank you for your donations!

Employee Wellness, Volunteer

6 days left to contribute to the Coin Drive!

coin drive 11-5

Here is another peek at the contributions for the Coin Drive to Keep A Child Warm.  The main container is filling up with some coins AND paper!  The FINAL collection will be next week.  We still have time to reach our $500.00 goal!  We had a couple of $50.00 donations-WOW!

Thank you so much for your contribution.  It will be exciting to see how much we can raise as an organization.

Locations of cans:  business office, rehab, wellness, lab, imaging, surgery, IP floor (by ice machine), dining room, Mora clinic, PC clinic, Hinckley Clinic.


Employee Wellness, Volunteer

Kids Against Hunger food packing event-THANK YOU!

A huge THANK YOU to 8 FirstLight employees and families for helping at the Kids Against Hunger event on Sunday November 1st at Calvary Lutheran Church!  Check out all the boxes of food this crew packed!

Thank you to: Garrett Estenson and kids, Becky Gallik and son, Becki Baumann and kids, Kim Pierson and family, Jill Sawyer and granddaughter, Nicole Westman and family, Jenny Matykiewicz and daughter, and Barb Fore.  You guys are awesome!

Food will be delivered to our four local food pantries this week.

2015 group picCompleted bags 2015

Boxes 2015Packing line group 2015


Employee Wellness, Volunteer

Coin Drive update-only 12 days to go!

Coin drive pic of large container

Keep a Child Warm Coin Drive Update:

Here is what we have collected so far for our coin drive. A close guess is around $25.00.  We still have a long way to go to reach our $500 goal!   The blue cans will be out until the week of November 9th.  Locations of the cans:  rehab, business office, WellnessFirst office, lab, surgery, Mora clinic (Wendy’s desk), PC clinic, Hinckley clinic, IP floor by the water station.  Employees are welcome to drop their coins in any can at any time.  To put things into perspective, if each employee contributed just over $1.00, we would reach our goal!  THANK YOU to those that have contributed so far.

If your department or area would like a can, please let Deb Wright know! dwright@welia.org

Employee Wellness, Volunteer

Community Service Event – COIN DRIVE

Just a reminder that we have our coin drive going on right now through November 9th.  Money collected will be put toward the purchase of winter items for kids in the communities of:  Ogilvie, Mora, Pine City and Hinckley.  The community service committee works with schools in those communities to determine the greatest needs.

We have 442 employees in our organization.  If each employee donated just $1.13 in change, we would reach our goal of collecting $500.00!

Drop your change into any one of the cans and help keep kids in need stay toasty warm this winter!  Easy ways to do this?  Skip purchasing that scone, soda, or other snack just one day in the next couple of weeks.

Cans are located in the following areas and will be EMPTIED WEEKLY into one large container (with the exception of PC and Hinckley):

  • Pine City and Hinckley Clinics-by admitting or break room
  • Mora Clinic – Wendy Linder’s office
  • Locations at the hospital:
    • Rehab
    • Imaging
    • Surgery
    • Lab-by ice machine
    • Nursing floor-by water machine
    • Business Office
    • WellnessFirst Office

Keep a child warm can close up

Employee Wellness, Volunteer

Community Service Event-Food Packing on Sunday November 1st

The Community Service Committee has an upcoming event for FirstLight employees and family members.  We will be participating in a food packing event through Kids Against Hunger at Calvary Lutheran Church here in Mora on Sunday November 1st from 1:00pm-3:00pm.  We can take up to 20 volunteers for this event.  The coolest thing about this event?  The food we pack will stay LOCAL and will be delivered to our local food pantries in Ogilvie, Pine City, Hinckley and Mora.  Please contact Deb Wright at *3586 or at dwright@welia.org if you are interested in volunteering!

Group Pic with DateKids helpingLabel on rice bagMeasuring-up close


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