Wellbeats Classes Added!
We will hold a few classes at the Community Wellness Center on Thursday, December 26th!

We will hold a few classes at the Community Wellness Center on Thursday, December 26th!
Reminder: Tomorrow is the LAST DAY to sign up for the Holiday De-stress Challenge happening this month! Each week participants have a chance to win a massage plus there’s a prize for completing the challenge! Email wellnessemp@welia.org to sign up!
Sponsored by the Employee Wellness Committee. This event is for Welia Health Employees only.
With the holiday season in full swing, it can be a stressful time. The Employee Wellness Committee challenges you to de-stress this December!
Here’s how to join:
All participants are entered into a weekly drawing for a massage ($60 value) AND will receive a participation prize at the end of the challenge! Below are some examples of stress relieving techniques (not limited to):
Reach out with any questions!
Check out the December Wellbeats calendar at the Wellness Center! Classes take place on the 2nd level in the Fitness and Education Room. Classes are FREE for members (and Welia Health employees). Reach out to Anna at aschultz@welia.org with any questions!
Join Deb Wright, PT in Mora or Beth Pugh, PT in Pine City and Hinckley to learn some stress relieving techniques!
Dr. Grace Tang is a physician with Rex Family Practice of Wakefield in North Carolina. Her ‘A day in my life’ blog series brings you an inside look at the daily routine of a family physician, both inside and outside of the office. This post from Dr. Tang brings us to the beginning of her mindfulness journey.
I was eating lunch at my desk about half a year ago, quickly wolfing it down in the 15 minutes before the afternoon session started. The following is a list of everything I was thinking and doing in that 15 minutes:
…Pine City and Hinckley will have supplies delivered!
Hosted by the Employee Wellness Committee