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Orientation Evaluation

    Orientation Evaluation

    We are listening to you, our new employee! Your evaluation of this Hospital-Wide Orientation will help us to provide an effective, yet enjoyable experience for our new employees.

    Please help us by answering the questions below. We want our employees to know that we care about them, so they can better care for and serve others.

    Your Name (required)


    This was a very informative orientation experience and I feel that I learned something today.
    Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree

    Each presentation was done effectively and was able to keep my attention in a positive manner.
    Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree

    There was a good variety of presentations and the day was an enjoyable experience.
    Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree

    I was able to understand the information presented to me today.
    Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree

    Something in particular I learned today was:

    I would like to suggest that:


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