Wellness First

Our Mission Statement is:

Encouraging a healthier employee culture through a network of wellness resources.

FirstLight Health System’s greatest resource is our employees. We have crafted a wellness program called WellnessFirst. Our WellnessFirst Team is committed to provide up-to-date health issues, news, and events through a variety of ways within our work environment. Some of the vehicles through which we are able to provide this through are the Employee Gym; participation in health-related Lunch-N-Learns; literature provided on various wellness topics, and even links to other sites that will help with questions or concerns you may have. We want to make it easier for employees to gain awareness and provide opportunities to improve your own health. If you would like to join our WellnessFirst Team, please contact Deb Wright, dwright@welia.org.

Wellness First Tips

Wellness Activities

HealthWise Newsletters

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