Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust

Employee Assistance Program
For caring, confidential, professional counseling help call 1-800-550-6248 or visit mcit.org/resources.

What is an Employee Assistance Program?
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a voluntary program that provides short-term, no cost counseling services for you and member of your household when facing problems with relationships, finances, alcohol and drug use, work, stress, or other personal problems. It is designed to help you identify and resolve life’s problems that are impairing your performance at work.

We offer support for many different issues …

  • Relationship Issues
  • Separation and divorce concerns
  • Alcohol or chemical abuse problems
  • Concerns about your job
  • Loss and grief; death
  • Financial crisis
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Parent/child difficulties
  • Many other personal problems
  • Your family is encouraged to use the Employee Assistance program. We realize that if you or a family member are experiencing a problem, the entire family is affected. As a result, our EAP is available to members of your household. All you have to do is pick up the telephone, dial 1-800-550-6248. and talk to a qualified counselor.

  • Easy access to a qualified counselor in a location near where you work or where you live. We have 286 offices throughout the State of Minnesota and you can be seen by any of them.
  • Confidentiality. Only you will know you have called for assistance. You will be read a Tennessen Warning (a notice regarding the confidentiality of your call). In order to coordinate your appointment you will be asked your name, the organization for whom you work and your address.
  • No-Cost service is available for employees and their dependents.
  • A face-to-face meeting with a professional counselor within 2 days of your initial telephone call.
  • A 24 hour crisis line for emergencies.
  • When long-term counseling is needed, the counselor will assist you in obtaining services.
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