Employee Wellness

*New Walk/Run Route Maps*

Scattered throughout the main waiting areas in Mora (the Main entrance, ED, Clinic, and surgery) there are cards to take that can help with achieving daily walking or running goals- for either for yourself our patients!

There are maps for 1 mile, 2 mile, 3 mile and 4 mile routes.





#8, #9 & #10 Turkey Winners!

Congrats to:

Karen Grauel for finding Turkey #8,

Melissa Remmaker for finding Turkey #9

and Denise Keller for finding Turkey #10!

You can claim your gift cards in HR.




#7 Turkey was found!

Congrats to Kelly Christensen!  5pm TurkeyThere are only 3 turkeys left….


The 7 pm Turkey happen to have a glass of wine, so he didn’t get hidden at the correct time, (7:00 p.m.)  He is hidden now and another one will be hidden at 9:00 p.m.  🙂

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