CUTE Santa letters sponsored by FLHS
Here are some of the cutest Santa letters that we sponsored that will be in this week’s Times!
(If this is difficult hard to read, click here to download the PDF).
Here are some of the cutest Santa letters that we sponsored that will be in this week’s Times!
(If this is difficult hard to read, click here to download the PDF).
Scattered throughout the main waiting areas in Mora (the Main entrance, ED, Clinic, and surgery) there are cards to take that can help with achieving daily walking or running goals- for either for yourself our patients!
There are maps for 1 mile, 2 mile, 3 mile and 4 mile routes.
Congrats to:
Karen Grauel for finding Turkey #8,
Melissa Remmaker for finding Turkey #9
and Denise Keller for finding Turkey #10!
You can claim your gift cards in HR.
Congrats to Kelly Christensen! There are only 3 turkeys left….
The 7 pm Turkey happen to have a glass of wine, so he didn’t get hidden at the correct time, (7:00 p.m.) He is hidden now and another one will be hidden at 9:00 p.m. 🙂
Congrats Amanda Strom, for finding turkey #4. You can pick up your certificate in HR.