New Employee: Armando Aragon, ED Unit Coordinator/Registration Associate

Position: ED Unit Coordinator/Registration Associate
Start Date: October 11, 2021
Background/Education: I am from Los Angeles, CA. I moved to Minnesota at a young age with my family. I am bilingual, Spanish is my second language and I want to learn ASL and other languages. I have a beautiful wife named Ashley and three amazing children Everleigh, Olive, and Sullivan. I graduated from Washburn High School, Class of 2013 and I am currently enrolled at Pine Tech and Community College.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? What I am most excited about working for Welia Health is the new adventure it will bring. Learning new things is always fun for me. The most important thing that I am excited for is the sense of community and family that I hear Welia brings to the table with it's amazing staff and I am grateful to say that I am now part of it.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Boyz N the Hood 2. Dirty Dancing 3. Harry Potter
What is your favorite color? Blue and Green
What are your hobbies? Magic The Gathering, Computer Gaming, Cooking, Fishing, Hunting, Anime, Kpop, Kdramas.

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